Tom Price For Health Secretary – IOTW Report

Tom Price For Health Secretary

Tom Price, Obamacare Critic, Is Said to Be Trump Selection for Health Secretary

The New York Times reports:

President-elect Donald J. Trump has selected Representative Tom Price, a six-term Republican congressman from Georgia who has led opposition to the Affordable Care Act, to be secretary of health and human services, according to a transition team official.

Mr. Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a severe critic of the health law, saying it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions.

And he says that events have borne out his warnings.

“Premiums have gone up, not down,” Mr. Price said recently. “Many Americans lost the health coverage they were told time and time again by the president that they could keep. Choices are fewer.”

5 Comments on Tom Price For Health Secretary

  1. One boondoggle absolutely must cease – hundreds of millions that flow thru HHS to fake Catholic, Lutheran and Baptist charities for refugee and illegals resettlement. If you are unaware of this scam, load up on blood pressure meds before reading. Yesterday’s OSU disgruntled Somalian “refugee” was one such jihadi filtered thru invetted this HHS program.

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