Tom Steyer holding out on the Dems in 2018 – IOTW Report

Tom Steyer holding out on the Dems in 2018

Wasting too much money on those ridiculous impeachment ads, perhaps?

WFB: Billionaire resistance leader will spend less than half of what he spent last midterm on 2018 races.

Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer announced on Monday he would spend $30 million on the 2018 House races, less than half of what he spent during the 2014 midterms.

Steyer, a hedge fund manager turned environmental activist, has been the left’s biggest political spender for two straight election cycles, but he has failed to see a return on his investment.

He spent $74 million during the 2014 midterm election only to see voters give Republicans control of the U.S. Senate and their biggest majority in the House of Representatives since 1928. He then spent $91 million on the 2016 election which resulted in Republicans maintaining complete control of Congress and Republican President Donald Trump moving to the White House.

Steyer has since the election spent $20 million on a campaign to impeach Trump which has been criticized by Democratic leaders as premature and a “distraction.” He demanded Democratic lawmakers and candidates pledge to push for the impeachment of Trump if they take control of Congress this year, but a Demember vote to move forward on impeachment received votes from just 58 out of 435 members of the House, bringing Steyer’s tab to $344,827.59 per vote.  MORE

10 Comments on Tom Steyer holding out on the Dems in 2018

  1. If a positive impact on society is his aim, contributions to charitable organizations like, the VFW, DAV, Am. Legion, MOPH, Paralyzed Veterans assoc., Salvation Army and others who use all their money raised to help others is the way to go.

    But, Steyer is much smarter than I am. So he spends his money on fake environmental issues, progressive/socialist issues and against the US election process.

    He may be smarter, certainly richer, but he’s still a socialist whiner because he didn’t get what he wanted … socialism.

  2. I really hate this guy. He no more cares about the environment then a chinese strip mine manager. He’s all about “green energy” as long as it comes with juicy government subsidies his funds bleed dry, wrecks the company and the bastard moves on. He spent millions meddling up north in my country in the pipeline debates trying to sway the vote and peoples opinion. He threw money at native tribes hundreds of kilometers away from the pipeline testify before public panels (dressed of course native costume) on the harm such things would have. He’s also funded money to groups trying to shut down or limit the oil-sands projects which are a damn site lot cleaner now then the garbage created by the construction of wind and solar farms.
    The man is the US version of George Soros.

  3. hey Tom stop wasting your money on political things-you can’t win anyway– spend it on a good cause like donating to IOTW and the people that come in here to laugh at you. 🙂 have a nice day..

  4. hey Tom! … yo hoo, Tom! …. hey! … I’ll run!
    just deposit about $10 in a Cayman Island account for me …. I promise, I’ll out wackadoodle Comrade Bernie … I’ll go to every shopping center, old-folks home, trailer park in my jurisdiction that your money can buy!
    … please allow carte blanche for all traveling expenses, including my posse

    Thank you …. your fellow nutjob in spirit ~ Molon Labe
    please contact me through Big Fur Hat, Port St. Lucie, FLA 🙂

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