Tommy Robinson Released on Bail – IOTW Report

Tommy Robinson Released on Bail

The Telegraph

Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett and two other judges in London quashed a finding of contempt made against Robinson at Leeds Crown Court in May when he was sentenced to 13 months in jail.

Announcing the decision on Wednesday, Lord Burnett said the court was allowing his appeal “in respect of the committal for contempt at Leeds Crown Court”.

He added: “The appellant is granted bail and the matter of contempt at Leeds Crown Court is remitted to be heard again.” More

13 Comments on Tommy Robinson Released on Bail

  1. Yay! Trump should bestow U.S. citizenship on Tommy (for political asylum and persecution). Then give him a special position in his cabinet and he could go to work on the sharia zones in the U.S. (England is too far gone and doesn’t deserve him anyway.)

  2. both links went to front page of law and order. I searched there but gave up and found an article front page of breitbart london

    very glad justice was served. Better late than never. At least their foreign minister/secretary that ordered him imprisoned didnt have him killed in jail.

    I hope brits wake up and smell the tea and remove him from

  3. It took the appeals court over a month to say ‘he gets bail as we try to figure out if he was wrongly put in prison in the first place’?

    More like ‘aw, crap, your still alive after all this time? Well, if we keep you in there any longer everyone will know it was state sanctioned murder- off you go but before you do give us some money and just know we can throw you back in at a whim so button up your pie hole’.

  4. the case will be dropped as he did not commit contempt ,reporting the trial was ongoing had and still was in the public domain for the previous 12 months , reporting restrictions were ONLY on the daily case proceedings , tommy had never been in leeds court to watch the case from the public gallery so could not report any proceedings so no contempt [ ed uk ]


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