Tomorrow is NATIONAL PLAY MONOPOLY DAY– what’s your favorite board or card game? – IOTW Report

Tomorrow is NATIONAL PLAY MONOPOLY DAY– what’s your favorite board or card game?

38 Comments on Tomorrow is NATIONAL PLAY MONOPOLY DAY– what’s your favorite board or card game?

  1. When my now 16 yo was in kindergarten they had an afternoon “Homework Club” (made them feel like big kids), where they played lots of different games. I can still remember one evening Christmas shopping that year when the little guy said, “Mommmm, you know that game Trouble?” (lol “that game Trouble”). Anyway he wanted that and to this day I still routinely receive a whooping from him at this game and Connect Four. We have a boatload of other games (including Monopoly and Alaska Monopoly), but he always goes back to those two, especially Connect Four. Another fave is Bananagrams, in which my child also defeats me often, as it should be.

    Such great memories.

  2. Herzliche Hartzlicky

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  3. Daughters and I have drifted away from board games though we have several of the classics (bought CLUE a few months back but it’s more tedious than I’d remembered) and are now having fun plinking at junk with wrist rocket slingshots I recently bought them. Sharpens their eyes and muscle control; in a few years they’ll be going to the gun range more and eventually be learning to control weapons of their own.

    However, our 1930s edition of QUBIC (a neat 3-D checker board) is fun.

  4. Low stakes poker with the family after a holiday meal. Recently got my 6 yo great grandson into his first game, He wanted to play with the big guys. Kid pulls a full boat on the river to beat my straight I had on the flop, felt good to lose. Grandkids got me to play Cards against Humanity once, felt good to win.


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