TONIGHT! 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST The U.S.&Eh?! Show with Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko – IOTW Report

TONIGHT! 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST The U.S.&Eh?! Show with Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko

CALLER NIGHT! (323) 870-3371

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listen to the show.

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21 Comments on TONIGHT! 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST The U.S.&Eh?! Show with Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko

  1. That was fun! A week cooped up in the house got me all excited to talk to friends. Thanks for putting up with me!

    Thanks for the kind words, guys! I am recovering better than I thought I would. Sore belly and get tired of easily, but every day I’m a little stronger. I am blessed to have good kids at home who help out so I can rest & heal. Sorry about the TWD spoilers! Last episode was nearly two weeks ago so I thought it was safe.

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