Tonight at Arrowhead Chiefs v Dolphins -26˙Expected – IOTW Report

Tonight at Arrowhead Chiefs v Dolphins -26˙Expected

I bet Miami wishes they had home field advantage. This will be coldest game ever recorded at Arrowhead (in Kansas City, Missouri.)

Should be interesting.

For the record, the coldest NFL game ever was at Lambeau Field, in Green Bay, Wisonsin.

That would be The Ice Bowl in December, 31st, 1967- Packers v Cowboys.

it was MINUS FORTY-EIGHT DEGREES (wind chill factor.)

There was a death in the stands. The marching band could not play because their lips froze to the instruments.

The opening whistle found the ref’s lips frozen to the metal. Off came some lip as he pulled it away. It didn’t bleed. The blood froze. They did the rest of the game with no whistles, just yelling.

Even though everyone assumed the Packers had a distinct home field advantage over the warm weather Cowboys, the Packers were down 17-14 with 4 minutes to go. Bart Starr ran it in on a 1-yard keeper with 20 seconds to go to seal the win.

13 Comments on Tonight at Arrowhead Chiefs v Dolphins -26˙Expected

  1. That Green Bay/ Dallas game is one of those life moments where I remember exactly where I was and what was going on, like the first moon landing and the first space shuttle landing…..I’m 250 miles west of Kansas City and the weather is currently 8 below and going to be 24 below tonight with about 14 inches of drifting snow moving around….It’s an indoor day/week coming up…..AND FUCK the NFL for only showing the Chiefs game on Peacock…..I know, I know, I can sign up for Peacocks 30 day free trial and then cancel, but I just don’t feel like humoring the bastards…

  2. The CFL of course has had some really cold games. A few years ago, there was a Grey Cup (CFL Championship) game held in Regina (no V-jokes please). Yeah, that’s north of North Dakota and Montana. I don’t remember what the temperature was, but it would have been in Celsius. Even in late November, it was an extremely cold day.

    One of the teams had a FG kicker from Australia. He was flabbergasted that he would have to play in those conditions, and complained bitterly. It was totally out of his imagination and experience that temperatures could go so low.

  3. Strangest think about the Ice Bowl. The hero of one of the most famous drives in NFL history was Chuck Mercein who was waived by the Giants at midseason. He only managed 530 yds rushing his entire career, which wouldnt put him in the top 1000 runing backs

    Two weeks later, this hero of the Ice Bowl doesnt play in the Super Bowl AT ALL, as Lombardi starts black running back Ben Wilson, who proceeds to tear up the Raiders

    That Lombardi. What a racist! He just ASSUMED that because he was born in Houston and his ancestors were from the tropics, that Ben Wilson might not tolerate -48° wind chill as well as Northern European who lived in Wisconsin .. and that he would be better suited for the heat and humidity of Miami

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