Tonight’s Soothiness by Riverlife Callie – IOTW Report

Tonight’s Soothiness by Riverlife Callie

I cheated. I listened to this. I usually don’t, and post sight unseen, but the email said TV Themes. I’m a sucker for Themes – Movie or TV. Lots of real estate on my Spotify list is made up of thematic music.

I’m going to post one of my own after the read more. 

Jocelyn Pook – The Staircase

8 Comments on Tonight’s Soothiness by Riverlife Callie

  1. midsomer has to be one of the dryest, longest dramas we’ve watched. Waded through about 2 seasons of it. Cant understand how it went 15 seasons or so.

    She does play a nice theremin. dont see many of those anymore.

  2. Idea for a reader questionnaire:

    If your life were the basis for a television show, what song would your theme be?

    My series’ opening credits would have to show me entering the courthouse to the strains of Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.” Because working under Cuomo.

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