Tonight’s Soothiness- C. Steven Tucker – IOTW Report

Tonight’s Soothiness- C. Steven Tucker

I think he’s in love…. with her voice, her voice! (It is an unusual one. She glides many octaves in a deceptively smooth fashion.)

64 Comments on Tonight’s Soothiness- C. Steven Tucker

  1. Brad, I like the Stones and Gimme Shelter and rock and roll and all types of different music as much as anyone, but this was a “soothiness” thread. Give it a break.

  2. Brad, that’s funny, and right! In fact I’ve spent the last half hour looking for a rebuttal to that song. Everything I wanted to post would have seemed to be a slam on the original post, and that not what I wanted to do. I’ll come up with something.

  3. joe6pak
    Yea, I knew my comment wouldn’t be received well. Buts what’s new, and do I care? I’m fucking ready to go to war over a fucking stolen election and we’re listening to the Carpenters. What am I missing?

  4. Hell Brad, it was received well by me. Norah Jones was the best I could come up with for soothiness but she is such a lib I couldn’t go there. It’s hard to do soothiness when you know our country is going down the shit chute.

  5. ” I’m fucking ready to go to war over a fucking stolen election and we’re listening to the Carpenters.”….

    Go ahead and get off the porch with the rest of the Qanon puppies…DO IT!….

    This comment will soon be followed by Brad calling me a goat fucker or some such….closly followed by Joe6pak with a butt pilot comment about what a genius Brad is or what an idiot I am….Try taking a breath Brad before you feel compelled to comment on everything. You sound like Cletus the unbleached starfish….

  6. @Brad

    The lyrics are sappy all right. If she was singing about Jesus, that would be great, but the song is about some blond blue-eyed mortal So-Cal guy so perfect that the angels must have designed him and chicks follow him everywhere he goes. The guy she’s singing about by now is some senile old fart-coot or he’s moldering in his grave. So much for human perfection.

  7. Don’t back down now killer goat boy, last time we were at this point you claimed you were a cripple do to an out of control bunion or something. If your gonna run your dumb ass mouth, ya gotta back it up.

  8. Willy, right out of the clear blue sky you start lofting grenades. What in the world goes through your head. I’ll bet if we were to sit down for dinner and drinks you would think differently about me, well maybe not, but I’d give it a try. I guess soothiness isn’t my mood lately.

  9. Y’all are reading waaay to much into this song and thread. It was about the “soothiness” of her voice, not the lyrics, not the original artist, not the effeminate characteristics of any male that actually liked the Carpenters. It’s about her voice. Lighten up.

  10. Joe6

    Willy doesn’t give a shit about politics our the fate of our country. Review his historical comments. Never takes a stand, just smart ass remarks. The classic class clown. And we all know where they end up. In the middle of America living in a double wide.

  11. @Burr The Bitcher, er, Butcher

    I got no problem with people bitchin at at each other when it starts and continues logically. This bitch session took a sharp right turn off the rail right off the bat.

  12. “This bitch session took a sharp right turn off the rail right off the bat.”

    Well yeah…..those are usually the best ones.


  13. Cool Brad, Ley’s just pretend that you kicked my ass in under 2 minutes. Then we can pretend that you went to war over a stolen election….Then we can pretend that you were a navy seal sniper, who never served in the military….

    Joe6pak….ME lofting grenades ? If you get your nose out of Cletus’ unbleached starfish long enough, then you can see the truth….I merely threw the grenade back from whence it came….

  14. Way to much alcohol consumed by some readers here tonight to continue this tonight. Willy you’ve got me lit. You’ve been dogging my ass to long. You fucking earned what you’re going to receive. We’ll talk tomorrow you fucking pussy. But let’s just say, have fun you dumb ass.

  15. willysgoatgruff
    If you think it would take two minute you’re a fucking idiot. Two seconds would be pushing it. Again, why do you post here other than to cap on me? You take no political stand, just class clown shit and cap on Brad. What’s your point? Other than you don’t like me? Which I will lose zero sleep over.

  16. Loco, yeah you’re right. We should give each other hugs and tranny pats……Just kidding. This is the perfect place to voice our differences. Even though we are pretty similar, our differences can be surprisingly significant. Hell, if we’re afraid to hurt someone’s feelings, or to be slapped down ourselves, then we need to ask if we are up to fighting the war we are in, whether we like it or not.

  17. Stirrin’, I swear…’re gonna’ make me explain how insane, irrelevant, and incomprehensibly stupid internet fights work?


    Also, I’m sorry you were altered as a boy……

  18. Damn.

    In the old days this thread would have had 90 comments followed by Admin Girl locking the thread and banning us ….(most likely me) from the site for a couple of days…..

    sigh……good times

  19. Burruler of the Universe

    “…Stirrin’, I swear…’re gonna’ make me explain how insane, irrelevant, and incomprehensibly stupid internet fights work?…”

    HUHHH? What you talkin’ about?

    And, I’m actually a Protestant – we don’t do, I mean have Alter boys.

  20. Loco, I gotta be honest, I missed it. It’s possible I’ve only listened to a couple Carpenters songs. I’ve probably heard more, but I wouldn’t know them.

  21. Stirrin’, I was referencing “Could ya help a poor alter boy out here? 😉” from your post. Now having said that, allow me to explain…

    The way insane internets fights work…

    A. someone says something
    B.someone takes exception to it.
    C. someone else points out how stupid A. and B. are,
    D. E F G. etc. take sides.
    H. I come along and upset apple carts
    I. Admin Girl calls us all boogers and ends it.


    When you see an internet fight, recall the brilliant Naval Battle of Santiago de Cuba. The Spanish steamed out…..and the Americans OBLITERATED ANYTHING THAT MOVED.

    You have to assume the role of rear Admiral William T. Sampson and assume everyone else is a dirty Spaniard.

    Full broadsides, Mr. Stirrin’, full broadsides.


    I dunno’, anarchy is fun I guess. Also, internet fights are a great way to practice will power.

  22. Burr – I’ve seen a LOT of concerts, but Lemmy’s were two of my most memorable.
    A few years back Lenny played a small club here.
    It was probably the loudest show I’ve seen.
    A glass of beer literally vibrated off the table.
    But, many many years ago I saw Lemmy with Hawkwind.
    Hawkwind’s Space Ritual, with Lemmy on bass, was simply the best rock album ever made.
    And the best light show in the history of rock.

  23. Neil Sedaka was a high school wrestler/weight lifter and later in life was a gun wrangler, pistolero, gun fighter, maybe even a bon vivant of the linen trades….

  24. Neil Sedaka was on the grassy knoll.
    Neil Sedaka wrote the screenplay for ‘Showgirls’.
    Neil Sedaka cheats at Pokemon.
    Neil Sedaka killed Jeffrey Epstein.
    Neil Sedaka invented Fresca.
    Neil Sedaka and Satan have never been seen in the same room at the same time.

  25. Wow, and they say women are bitchy.

    But, back to the matter at hand, I hate this song no matter who sings it. But I hate Karen Carpenter’s voice more. She always reminded me of Julie Andrews, too pert, too perfect, too elocuted.

  26. …a whole thread on a Carpenters song and not one person makes the old joke about how “if Mama Cass had given Karen Capenter that last sandwich, we’d still have them both”.


  27. “I’m fucking ready to go to war over a fucking stolen election and we’re listening to the Carpenters.”

    There’s a movie yet to be written out there just WAITING for a classic line like that. LMAO!

  28. Karen’s version of Jambalaya is stupid. Here is a song with slurred Cajun words being sung with perfect enunciation.

    Goofus? OMG. That was a single when I worked my first radio job in 1976. I’m not sure I’ve even heard it since then.

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