Tony Roman’s Restaurant Requires You To Be UNVAXXED – IOTW Report

Tony Roman’s Restaurant Requires You To Be UNVAXXED

18 Comments on Tony Roman’s Restaurant Requires You To Be UNVAXXED

  1. @ General Malaise – “…He sliced Chris Cuomo into little bacon strips…”

    I agree, but with two changes. First of all, he’s LITTLE Chris Cuomo. And second, in the spirit of the Italian players in this conflict, “He sliced Cuomo into little PROSCIUTTO strips. IMHO.

  2. stirrin the pot – I didn’t know how to spell that word, so I Americanized it. But thanks for the lesson! (But my spelling is getting worse with age, so no promises.)

  3. I disagree that it’s as fucking stupid as banning the unvaxxed. Not even close. TPTB are the ones dictating the fucking stupid not Tony.

    He’s making the point that it’s his business and he won’t be forced to demand masking. Seeing every business here in Clallam County following these demands from State officials, it’s refreshing to see a man refusing.

    He’d get my business

  4. I am vehemently opposed to ANY kind of Government mandates, but as a 70 year old diabetic with a new heart valve, I CHOSE to have the vaccine (and yes I know that’s a misnomer). The owner can obviously do what he wants, but I wouldn’t ban people for their personal medical choices if it was me. Isn’t that what the government is doing?

  5. Man has coglioni!!!!! Good for him and his business for surviving the lockdowns and the fear they are trying to instill in us forever!!

    Wish he had a restaurant in every state!!

    Say your prayers everyday!!

    God bless us all!!!

  6. Mule,
    that is the point he’s making: that requiring vaccinations is stupid.
    He is baiting all the liberal fascists into ‘putting him in his place’, which they cannot without making themselves look ‘as bad as he is’.

    Q: How does one prove he’s been unvaxxed?
    (other than by demonstrating an intellect the liars are incapable of)

  7. There is no existing Biden “executive order” demanding that the American citizenry must be vaxxed and provide proof to enter into any business establishment, and neither will there be any Biden doc posted to Americans. Like all other greed-infested politicians in various cities and states, they know full well NOT to display any such order since it can and will be used against them in their future political aspirations. The general public have been duped by the media tentacles affiliated with democrats and their accomplices to prevent Americans from living their own lives without govt intrusions while being shuttered away from the healing sunlight. We have ALL been conned on a massive scale.

  8. Anonymous – No, not ALL of us have been conned. Many of us have seen through the lies from the start. Many of us predicted the lies before the start. Only the main-stream-media lemmings are being conned; they are the ones willingly giving up rights and applauding censorship and lies. I am astounded by the number of conservatives who still use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but who cannot figure out what’s gone wrong with our country. Cancel ALL “social-media” thought control tech. It’s very easy, but it does take intelligence.

    The fact is, ballot harvesting allowed the Demokkkrats to steal some of the 2018 elections, and most of the 2020 election. As long as we tolerate the censoring of truth and opinions, open borders, and election rules that encourage voter fraud, the Marxists will control the narrative and they will control most of society.

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