Too Late: Ocasio-Cortez Backtracks On Amazon After Suddenly Realizing She’s an Idiot – IOTW Report

Too Late: Ocasio-Cortez Backtracks On Amazon After Suddenly Realizing She’s an Idiot


New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been put in her place by several prominent New York leaders.

And now she is backtracking from her demand, and her victory dance, after Amazon decided to pull out of its deal to build a headquarters in Long Island City.

“We welcome a process, we welcome having a community process, but I don’t know where the talks are at at this stage,’ Saikat Chakrabarti, her Chief of Staff who is currently being investigated for illegally moving $1 million, told Bloomberg News.

Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest member of Congress and a self-described socialist, celebrated when Amazon announced it would not be building a second headquarters in Queens, near her congressional district.

‘Anything is possible: today was the day a group of dedicated, everyday New Yorkers & their neighbors defeated Amazon’s corporate greed, its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world,’ she tweeted at the decision.

But she also came under fire from both Democrats and Republicans when she argued the $3 billion in tax breaks offered to Amazon to build a second headquarters in Queens, New York, would be better spent hiring teachers and fixing the city’s crumbling subway system.


29 Comments on Too Late: Ocasio-Cortez Backtracks On Amazon After Suddenly Realizing She’s an Idiot

  1. Idiots cannot realize that they are idiots. They can only be persuaded that some idiotic stance they took in the past needs to be replaced by some new idiotic stance in order either to appease their idiot fans or to achieve some new idiotic goal.

  2. From the link: ““What she was vocal about was the process by which it happened, the deal,” he said.”

    She’s been vocal about things she knows nothing about, which as of today, has been everything.

  3. I got 20 minutes to help her pay her debts….$15 bucks an hour times three….ok, I’ll go $8 with tips…..and pizza, I want cheese crust pizza….

  4. Introspection isn’t in her DNA.!She from a world where everyone gets a trophy.

    We suspect she got a visit by some very unhappy people that don’t give a shit about demonrats-socialism. She is toast in 2020.

  5. now princess sparkle pony wants to close the barn door.
    They’re gone, toots.
    And they’d be absolute fools to reconsider locating in nyc. They’re very lucky they didn’t. Just look at how wavering their politics are. Don’t trust them- they only want your money, but that is not all they will take, once you are trapped there.
    nyc is corrupt and toxic, and in short time, they will turn on them for money, one way or another. If the city government doesn’t get them, the unions will, and the criminals will fleece everything else. Tony Soprano and crew are probably figuring out how to boost their trucks if they do come back.

  6. She needs a freaken Twitter time out. She just won’t stfu. It’s non stop.
    When she first was elected, if you said something critical about her you’d get jumped. I mean JUMPED. Now, nada. I hope the people that voted for the dim wit are feeling really stupid right now.

  7. Oh, bullshit! Smellykat Chalkdrawing is just trying to smooth shit over with the gov and mayor hoping for help when the feds try to nail his and cortez’s asses to the wall for the illegal campaign dollars going to his ‘businesses’.

  8. If I were amazon, I’d ask for an even more lucrative contract with the city. How does 15 year tax break sound? Oh wait, including having one of their stupid asses bringing me breakfast every morning on horseback as they’re singing an ABBA song. And don’t skimp on the bacon.

  9. OK I quit….I have always been attracted to stupid, Ted and the blond chick on Cheers”……Joey and two or threes chicks on Friends…..I just basically want to see her tits and watch her make a sandwich for sombabey in a different zip code…. I always loved you Nikki…….

  10. Maybe AOC should read “the art of the deal” written by the guy who will be her President for the next 6 years.

    When you see the world through rose colored glasses, red flags are just flags.

  11. If you’re allowed to be stupid long enough, that stupidity will eventually confront you and test your ability to evaluate your own ignorance.

    AOC has a long way to go.

  12. Notice her chief of staff.

    “Democratic Socialists” lose the “democratic” once elected.

    Like Erdogan in Turkey said, “Democracy is like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.”


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