Too Little, Too Late – IOTW Report

Too Little, Too Late

Red State

Finally, after 378 days, Joe Biden got around to visiting East Palestine, Ohio. 

The town had been subjected to all sorts of concerns about environmental toxins since a train derailment on Feb. 2, 2023. Many of the residents there still have medical concerns. 

But Biden couldn’t be bothered to go to the town — despite saying he would — until now, until the 2024 election is underway, and he realizes he needs Ohio. That’s despite going on all kinds of vacations since then, and even visiting Ukraine. He has shown where his priorities are. More

Reportedly, Biden had such a bad outing that his handlers hustled him out as quickly as possible. Here

He can cross “East Palestine” off his bucket list now. – Dr. Tar

7 Comments on Too Little, Too Late

  1. The Usurper needs nothing more than the obedience of the Armed Forces.

    ALL of the Armed Forces: IRS, USPS, FBI, DHS, BATFE, NSA, CIA, EPA, US CBP, SS, Treasury, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Space Force, US Marine Corp, US Coast Guard, and US Marshall’s Service (&c.).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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