Not the Greatest Choice of Costume to Wear at a High School – IOTW Report

Not the Greatest Choice of Costume to Wear at a High School


Two Kentucky high school students who dressed as the Columbine High School shooters for Halloween have been suspended. WHAS-TV reports the Adair County High School students went to school Wednesday wearing the costumes. The girls’ outfits resembled the clothes 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold wore when they killed 12 classmates and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves in the Colorado school in 1999, per the AP. Social media posts showed the two girls re-enacting moments from the shooting, with side-by-side images of them next to actual photos of it.


5 Comments on Not the Greatest Choice of Costume to Wear at a High School

  1. it must really be boring in Kentucky for halloween.
    they only got in trouble because they white girls portraying white boys. everybody knows that white boys can only be portrayed by Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, or Wolf Blitzer. and then it’s ok.

  2. Yeah, that’s incredibly poor judgement on the girls’ part…but that’s what being a teenager is all about, isn’t it? Being able to act out your poor judgement as a minor and learning your lessons about that kind of thing before you’re too old to claim ignorance of self-restraint and better angels? Now the administrators’ over-the-top punishment just reinforces a resentment for authority, encourages victimization (of the wrong people), and undue and misplaced notoriety for stupid girl people. What’s next then? Dressing up as Pulse nightclub victims?


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