Jeffrey Toobin Calls Kansas GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Kobach a Racist To His Face – IOTW Report

Jeffrey Toobin Calls Kansas GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Kobach a Racist To His Face

Kobach probably gained a few thousand votes after this ridiculous exchange.

14 Comments on Jeffrey Toobin Calls Kansas GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Kobach a Racist To His Face

  1. The Democrat desperation is so thick you can feel it clinging in the air.

    Toobin is hanging to the end of a desperation rope. That’s a rope covered in desperation. The desperation acts like grease and the tighter Toobin holds on to the desperation rope the more he just slides down- covering himself in more desperation.

    The liberal tears will be flowing heavy and hard my friends. If I had hip waders I’d have them out ready for action come Wednesday morning because there is going to be a blue tidal wave of tears.

  2. “Little Jeffrey Toobin is one of the most sanctimonious douche bags that ever walked the earth with one of the most punchable faces to boot.”

    This comment by Big Papi has my vote for post of the month.

  3. Kobach should have responded: I am trying to stop ILLEGAL voting. Nowhere in any law I have passed is there ANY mention of race. Why do YOU think requiring voter ID is racist?

  4. Jeffrey Toobin is “the kindest, gentlest, most decent human being that I have ever known.” From the Manchurian Candidate.
    And I would gladly punch the mutterfooker in the throat if I ever got close to him.What a phucking low life!

  5. gin blossom. I agree. Time for conservatives and deplorables to give these left wing media outlets a wide berth. Let them just jerk each other off. Don jerks off Chris, Anderson jerks off the other Chris. Then they switch partners and invite Rachael and Alyisia, Jeffrey, Mika and Slow Joe. Then the do the hokey Pokey. That’s what it’s all about. These people really suck, big time. I predict a red tsunami next Tuesday.


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