Top 3 Mike Johnson Staffers Resign – IOTW Report

Top 3 Mike Johnson Staffers Resign

Breitbart: Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) will reportedly lose a high-powered trio of top policy staffers barely six months into his speakership.

The influential advisers — Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske, and Preston Hill — are leaving Johnson’s office at the end of May, Punchbowl News reported. Each of the three previously worked for then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Johnson ascended to the top of House leadership without the existing policy, communication, and fundraising strategy as others who have spent years in leadership. The departure of such an experienced group is likely to sting, particularly as appropriations season kicks into high gear before the end-of-September deadline.

Specht had served as McCarthy’s policy director, and Yaworske is an expert on appropriations and budget issues. Both would have been leaned on heavily as the House crafts appropriations bills.

However, reports indicate Congress is likely to pass a continuing resolution to continue current spending levels into the lame duck session of Congress — after the November elections but before a new Congress, and possibly a new president, is sworn in. more

14 Comments on Top 3 Mike Johnson Staffers Resign

  1. “as we continue to advance our conservative agenda”

    Speaker Johnson must be smoKin’ weed”
    He has followed Biden’s plan to a “T”, Not One issue of the Conservative House members has been addressed.
    Speaker Johnson has failed, the Liberal RINOs, Biden and Democrats pull his strings. Shameful.

  2. ^ Not only does Johnson smoke weed, his tongue is forked and he speaks out of both sides of his mouth with it for Two! Two Mints In One! Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun! One side is reserved for the Democrats and the other side for Congressional RINO’S.

    Gott im Himmel! WTF did we do to deserve this… AND HIM?

  3. I read an article the other day explaining how Lil Johnson wanted to become the next Pelosi style power broker. He gave it a run. This is a sign he realizes he’s screwed. What a weak POS.

  4. Are they resigning, or are they retiring with full rewards for “getting the job done” ??

    If they were employed by both McCarthy AND this little fucker, can they be more Uniparty GOPe ??!!


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