Top Honduran Official Predicts Exodus After Texas Enacts Anti-Sanctuary City Law – IOTW Report

Top Honduran Official Predicts Exodus After Texas Enacts Anti-Sanctuary City Law

Daily Caller: Honduras’ deputy foreign minister is preparing for an exodus of Hondurans from Texas after the state outlawed sanctuary cities.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 4 into law on Sunday night, which calls for criminal penalties for sheriffs and police chiefs whose agencies refuse to comply with federal immigration detainers.


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16 Comments on Top Honduran Official Predicts Exodus After Texas Enacts Anti-Sanctuary City Law

  1. Kind of feel sorry for Honduras since a lot of the MS-13 gang comes from there and if they decide to go home it won’t be fun for the cops. As a reminder though, MS-13 was created in the US by illegal immigrants trying to protect other Salvadoran immigrants from the Mexican gangs and the black gangs (crips and bloods variations). That’s not an excuse for these bastards as they make the other gangs look like community outreach groups just that it’s good to understand origins. Anyway, back then a pile of them got deported and introduced gang life to their native countries, recruited and headed back north to expand their interests in drugs, killing for hire, human smuggling, slavery, prostitution, kidnapping, the Democrat Party…Just Kidding (as far as I know).

    For those that saw “Escape From New York” with Kurt Russell and Lee Van Cleef, I’m beginning to see that as a reasonable and publically acceptable alternative to the many prisons and supermax we run today.

  2. @scr_north May 10, 2017 at 1:20 pm

    > For those that saw “Escape From New York”

    Walls are expensive. And need constant maintenance. And constant guards. That’s why communists and “not communists” — sorry, “conservatives” — love them. When someone else gets stuck with the check, of course.

    What ever happened to Hawaii?

  3. Winners: All of America. Every demographic, every region, every age group.

    Losers: Pawn Shops
    Walmart and other EBT retailers
    Sleazy immigration “lawyers”
    The DNC in all 57 states

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