Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe – IOTW Report

Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe

Daily Caller- The directors of the Office of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency testified on Wednesday that they have not been pressured by President Trump on the ongoing Russia investigation, undercutting recent reports that they were.

Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, and Adm. Mike Rogers, the director of NSA, largely declined to discuss details about their interactions with Trump when pressed on the matter during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing.


15 Comments on Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe

  1. This is making me very angry! How many tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of tax dollars have been spent up to this point to prove or defend against Very Fake News accounts having NO (Zero) on-the-record, named sources making these claims? I know we have too many laws already, but it should be a crime to allege illegality or criminality in the absence of genuine standing. All the entities, including D congressmen who continue on this path should have to repay taxpayers for the waste and abuse of taxpayer money.

  2. The deep state illegally wire tapped the entire team for a year and I’m sure combed all their financial records. The ever so impartial msm have scoured everything they could yet un-sourced rumors are all they have. On top of it all, even if they did collude with the Russians, that isn’t illegal.
    What laws were suspected of being broken justifying this mess?

  3. anyone paying attention knew this was always the case, the only ones alleging wrongdoing were the lying democrats, the lying leakers and the lying msm, not the intelligence community.

    they tried so hard to repeat this lie enough times to make it “true” but it never got traction with the public, it was so obviously a lie.

  4. Unlike Moochoman, I will not apologize on behalf of Secretariat, the horse faced Senator from Virginia. Not only have I never voted for him, I burnt up lots of shoe leather, going door to door in an unsuccessful attempt to convince people to not vote for him.

    Mark Warner is a snake.

  5. Headline differences:

    WSJ: Intelligence Officials Won’t Say if Trump Asked About Russia Probe
    Coats, Rogers decline to offer specifics on talks with the president

    The Daily Caller: Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe

    Slate: If Intel Officials Could Have Testified to Trump’s Obstruction Innocence, They Would Have

    CNN: Intelligence chiefs won’t say if Trump asked them to downplay Russia probe

    FOX: Intel officials mum on talks with Trump, but deny facing pressure on probes

  6. If Obama’s NSA and the Progs had any dirt on Trump, they’d have used it before Nov 08, and before the Electoral College vote, and before Inauguration.

    They’ve got nothing. The guy is astonishingly clean. If not they’d have used it.

    Even some of the low-info everyday Dems are starting to realize that.

  7. Comey just pre-released all of his remarks before the committee scheduled for tomorrow. It was said that this is in order to blunt the disappointment of Nothingburger on the menu after the huge build-up. D’s want Trump’s head on a pike and all they’re going to get is more stomach acid.

    In his statement, Comey comes across as a self-serving, wholly innocent Dudley Do-Right. It’s a little over-the-top and laughable. Sundance has the memo.

  8. McCain was worse than the Democrats. He cited the WaPo story noting all the “details” as if it had to be correct. How quickly her forgot all the details of the affair with the lobbyist WaPo and NYT said he had or the Keating 5 scandal details he said were untrue.

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