Top Rubio Advisor Says He’ll Vote For Hillary Before He Votes For Trump – IOTW Report

Top Rubio Advisor Says He’ll Vote For Hillary Before He Votes For Trump


Let’s recap.

Trump’s stated policy positions are:

-border control -no amnesty -pause on Muslim refugees -fair trade -strong military -reform VA – defend 2A – ending common core -bringing jobs back to America with common sense tax reforms -simplified tax code – repealing Obamacare

Hillary’s stated policy positions are:

-stopping campus sexual assault -addressing climate change -criminal justice reform -gun violence protection -pathway to citizenship for illegals -strengthening unions -LGBT equality -Racial injustice -Making it easier to cheat vote – addressing gender wage gap -expanding Obamacare

A “conservative” just said he was voting for Hillary if Marco “Gang of 8” Rubio isn’t the nominee.

This is exactly why Trump exists. This is why Trump is leading.

This Max Boot character has revealed himself to be a danger to America.

He would rather vote for a known conservative enemy, who belongs in jail, who will continue to list this country leftward, than a man promising to deliver on many, many major conservative checklist items.

I find this horrifying.



29 Comments on Top Rubio Advisor Says He’ll Vote For Hillary Before He Votes For Trump

  1. He is a progresive and progressives are progressives first, last and always. He is for expanding government and fundamentally changing what is left of the country. He simply prefers tyrants who have an R in front of their name to tyrants who have a D in front if their name. But so long as he votes for a progressive he is good either way.

  2. RINOS have gone mad. How is voting for Hellary or The Bern any different than voting to give Barry a defacto third term?
    They’re determined to self destruct and take the country down with them.
    @JDHasty, Exactly.

  3. This is not about a political party, but about the political class. All corrupt, all on the take. If Trump is elected, all are exposed and out they go like yesterday’s trash. It’s what America needs if we are to survive being completely sold out.

  4. AA, and as time goes on his life becomes more endangered. He is threatening the money train of a lot of upper crust assholes. We know he’s cognizant by the vest he’s wearing. How can anybody doubt this man is a patriot? I don’t get it.

  5. Funny. Trump reinvents Donal J Trump into a conservative virtually overnight and he’s suddenly America’s best hope. He rails against cronyism and yet he’s made million from it. Guess I need a stronger drink.

  6. Any question regarding the Rube being the hand selected Progressive “GOP” candidate?
    Progressive money, formerly went to Bush, now filling the war chest of Rubio.
    The BIG money donors “will” get what they are paying for …a progressive elitist who will do as they dictate.

  7. I’m getting tired of ‘Conservative vs Liberal’ labels. How about ‘Street smart common sense vs. Lying, traitor, wolf in sheep’s clothing’. Could apply to any candidate from either party.

  8. No one is going to “disrupt” the Gravy Train. Trump may lower the temperature in the boiler, or pat the brakes a bit, but the Gravy Train will roll on towards the precipice.

    The abyss awaits.

    Too many “Americans” no longer believe in America.

    Too many “Americans” think it’s a grab-bag of goodies (not just feral ghetto rats, but illegal invading rats, and Wall St. rats, and DC rats, and Gov. Mansion rats, and Statehouse rats, and so on, and so on, …).

    Too many “Americans” don’t understand mathematics and the absolute certainties involved in economics, fiscal policies, and tendencies towards socialism.

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