Top Ukrainian Prosecutor Opens Probe Into Possible Pro-Clinton Bias In Government – IOTW Report

Top Ukrainian Prosecutor Opens Probe Into Possible Pro-Clinton Bias In Government

OANN: Ukraine’s top prosecutor is opening an investigation into what role his country may have played in trying to sway the 2016 U.S. election in favor of Hillary Clinton. The mission of this investigation is to uncover exactly why the “black ledger” files were leaked to the media in the U.S.

The move lead to the firing of Paul Manafort from the Trump campaign, because it showed him being paid under the table by Ukraine. This fueled accusations of collusion with Russia.

The prosecutor said he was forced to act after hearing a tape recording of Ukrainian officials claiming they released the information to help Clinton’s campaign.

“This member of Parliament had even alleged that on tape were several men, one of which had a voice similar to the voice of Minister Sytnyk, discuss the matter,” stated Yurii Lutsenko, Ukraine prosecutor general.

9 Comments on Top Ukrainian Prosecutor Opens Probe Into Possible Pro-Clinton Bias In Government

  1. ‘This member of Parliament had even alleged that on tape were several men, one of which had a voice similar to the voice of Minister Sytnyk.’
    Get back to me please when you do something to stop profiting from the decades old human trafficking collusion with the Clinton s.
    No digg meant to you MJA,,,
    Thanks for this, needs attention!

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