Toronto Man Cut From the Trump Cloth – Government Projects Can Be Done More Cheaply – IOTW Report

Toronto Man Cut From the Trump Cloth – Government Projects Can Be Done More Cheaply

Government Projects Are Designed To Line Someone’s Pocket.

Toronto Bureauweeny’s Estimate of a Simple Set of Stairs? $65,000!

So a citizen, with the help of a homeless guy, built the stairs in one afternoon. Now people aren’t falling down the embankment to get to the garden, or whatever it is down those stairs.

Not the finest set of stairs I’ve ever seen. How about we increase the cost tenfold and do it a little better? Maybe a little terraced flagstone upon the landing? That would still be around a $60,000 savings.

The city wants to tear them down… probably out of the shame and embarrassment and the fear that people will catch on to the way governments rob citizen’s of tax money to give to their cronies through bloated “projects.”


16 Comments on Toronto Man Cut From the Trump Cloth – Government Projects Can Be Done More Cheaply

  1. I can see all kinds of safety hazards on these stairs as they are used by a citizenry accustomed to being protected by government.

    How dare these people take the peoples matters into their own hands. I am shocked and DELIGHTED.

  2. Somebody will of course take a tumble down the stairs, then expect a big payday from the city if they don’t take the stairs down and put up a set designed by the worlds greatest engineers, by the best contractor money can buy who are all bonded.

    Better yet, the city can put a stack of waivers right by the steps saying that the use understands the hazards and therefore is climbing or descending the steps at their own risk. Maybe they’ll have to hire a stair guard to warn people no to run on the stairs and to take them one at a time with right hand firmly gripping the right hand rail.

    Then of course there will be the handicapped who also will want access to the same areas and demand the city spend $240,000 so they can maneuver around the same embankment.


    Problem (better yet, invent or cause a problem)

    Give money to your donors to fix the problem

    Donor gives nice re-election donation to politician

    Stop acting like you don’t understand how this system works

  4. It happens at all levels of government, even counties. We had a troublesome intersection that needed a traffic light. But oh no. They spent millions to reconfigure the intersection and seized multiple acres to solve the problem. The elected and appointed are vastly more knowledgeable than us mere citizens.

  5. Dumbass bureaucrats are everywhere! They have to justify their existence and inflated pay check by creating unnecessary hurdles that require their approval. Egos and wasting other people’s money is their mantra.Damn socialism !

  6. During my tenure in a municipal govt. I managed to piss off a lot of contractors that have been taking my employer to the cleaners. I had a project engineer ask me what my secret was and I told him I’m always the last one to have anything to say then I can become the biggest asshole in the room. Example: The last design/build company that bid a remodel came in low bid at 3.3 million, for a police sub station I called them out and said I could do it for less running the project in house. The Deputy Chief gave me the project and I brought it in an 2.1 Million! I didn’t make a lot of friends at work, but it sure was fun!

  7. I have an engineer friend who says the stringers are too close together, and not enough edge support. From what I can tell from the picture, I think he’s right. I said as much, adding that whatever is wrong wong take 65K to fix. The grumbling continues..”His newels are all wrong and he doesn’t even have any balusters to get wrong (code spacing requirements)”. Grumble Grumble. I think the initiative is commendable.

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