Toronto Shooter Used an Illegal Gun (So How Would Gun Grabbing Have Stopped the Shooting?) – IOTW Report

Toronto Shooter Used an Illegal Gun (So How Would Gun Grabbing Have Stopped the Shooting?)

Bearing Arms-

The shooting in Toronto over the weekend has been illuminating for a number of reasons. Not only have we seen how almost every provision currently being discussed won’t stop mass shootings, but we’ve seen that no matter what laws are on the books, anti-gunners will continue to push for more in the wake of these attacks.

The kicker is that it now appears the gun may have been illegal in the first place.

A criminal defence lawyer says Toronto’s proposed handgun ban isn’t likely to keep illegal firearms out of the hands of criminals.

On Sunday, 29-year-old [killer] opened fire with a handgun on Toronto’s Danforth Avenue, killing two people and injuring 13.

A confidential police source told CBC News the firearm has been traced to the United States, and that [he] may have taken it from his comatose brother, who has alleged ties with a street gang.


ht/ lurker

7 Comments on Toronto Shooter Used an Illegal Gun (So How Would Gun Grabbing Have Stopped the Shooting?)

  1. The thing about mass shootings is it’s illegal to mass murder. The day a libtard figures that out is the day they decide to stop being fungus. (living in the dark and feasting on excrement)

  2. This will come as a shock to liberals: Criminals don’t buy guns or ammunition from retail shops or gun shows! Perhaps you may have heard of the Black Market? It has nothing to do with skin color. No records are made of sales, buyer and seller are blacked out. Prices are not recorded!

  3. The best buddies of libs is the Hollywood elite. So they have not seen the movies? Dang even Charles Bronson had to go to the black market to get guns in one of the death wish films. Must be nice to live life so blinded.

  4. The NRA needs to more loudly beat the drum about enforcement of *existing* gun laws.

    The gov’t only wants to take guns from legal gun owners while ignoring the thugs, not enforcing the laws we have.

    The gov’t makes it all much worse. ….Lady in Red

  5. And every gun law only succeeds in removing guns from law abiding citizens and has zero effect on the criminal element. The FBI just recently released a study stating armed law abiding citizens play a major role in stopping gun violence. Any gun law is an infringement. Our founders knew what they were doing. If you think we need to enforce instead of eliminate gun laws, you need a side ways lobotomy.



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