TOTAL POS Caught – IOTW Report


The moron wore his work shirt. LOLOLLOLOL.

4Chan identified him!

No leniency. Attempted murder charges is JUSTICE!


48 Comments on TOTAL POS Caught

  1. The Portland DA just let 500 of 550 rioters off without charging them. Keep that in mind.

    Portland’s new DA drops charges against HUNDREDS arrested over 76 nights of riots and won’t prosecute future ‘non-deliberate’ acts including criminal trespass, harassment and disorderly conduct
    Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt announced a policy change on Tuesday saying they won’t prosecute non-violent misdemeanor charges
    It includes interfering with police, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, escape or harassment
    Allegations will be dropped if they don’t involve ‘deliberate’ property damage, theft or force against another person or threats of force
    It doesn’t affect federal charges, of which there are dozens, including arson
    The DA acknowledged those caught in situations where they have been tear gassed while exercising their First Amendment right
    About 550 charges have been referred to the DA since May 29 and they include 140 felonies, 45 of which are currently being pursued by authorities

    DA said the majority of those arrested amid racial injustice protests are white

  2. When Trump wins in November he needs to instruct his AG to indict every fucking Mayor and Governor of these cities and states for aiding and abetting criminal and treasonous activities like this.

    Enough is enough, damn it! It’s time to put these these animals back in their basements or cages or wherever, to restore a civil society.

  3. This is not America. This is Zimbabwe

    That’s why I don’t wander into nearby Richmond. Nothing good will come of it. And my weapon only holds xx rounds. Not saying.

  4. What we are witnessing is Anarcho-tyranny. ANTIFA rewards it’s members for deeds like this. The more physically violent you are the faster you move up the rank. Very dangerous. But that’s why this isn’t going to get any better until the price for such actions are to high.

  5. Unless I’m missing something here (didn’t read anything about it, just saw a blurb on Gateway this morning), I want to say I feel bad for the guy, but who is that damn stupid to go into that area knowing what has been going on for the last couple of months AND what could possibly happen?

  6. It’s time. It’s time to put an end to the children’t temper tantrums. It’s way past time to send them back to their rooms, and I mean the rooms the state will provide for them. If the government is not going to protect us, we will have to do that ourselves. It’s time to put an end to this NOW!

  7. The DA of Portland said last week many crimes including felonies were not going to be prosecuted. This is outrageous and this poor guy is still passed out in a hospital, maybe he has brain damage. We were told this Portland BS would end if the feds left, all it has done is spread to new areas and get even more violent.

  8. Thanks JD.

    nco77 – it absolutely shocks me that there isn’t one vigilante type, gone off the deep end and sort of Beltway sniper-ish, quietly going around the area taking pot shots at them. Suppressed subsonic .22 is all he would need.

  9. My grandfather lived in a remote part of the East Texas piney woods back in the 1920’s & 30’s. There was no readily available law enforcement to serve the small sawmill communities back then, so they had to police themselves. For the most part, everyone behaved themselves because that’s what people did back then. Sometimes, though, that wasn’t the case. My great uncle told me stories of how the men in the sawmill towns handled those who needed motivation to behave within acceptable community standards. Let’s just say that in almost every case, the offender straightened out after the first “visit”. If a follow-up “visit” was required, well, let’s just say it wasn’t a good day for the offender.

  10. Just had a brain spark, and had to follow up on it.
    This whole PantyFag/#BurnLootMurder rioting, looting, and burning, with the mayors and governors standing aside and giving their tacit and explicit permission; all of the above reminds me of Pinocchio and Lampwick on Pleasure Island, him and the other boys turning into the donkeys. I expect to see the Coachman come out of the shadows and herd them all into harnesses, pulling heavy loads, because they’re too dumb (in spite of all their “education”/indoctrination) to do anything else.

    And when that happens, I will feel no pity or sympathy. They were raised as youth to know right from wrong, to choose for themselves the path they would walk. Unfortunately, they chose, “for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:” (Matthew 7:13)

  11. @MJA – correction, include Eugene, Salem and Roseburg. Lets just say everyone east of the Willamette River probably owns a legal firearm.

    Hopefully this guy will get it from the white 2%’s in an Oregon jail.

  12. @chuckie.
    Vigilantism is the last thing we need before Nov 3. If Dems steal the election Nov 4 will be quite different.

    The leftist Tantrumists can bang their spoons on their high chairs for now.

    Their day is coming regardless of the electoral outcome.

    In the meantime, stay out of liberal cities. Which happens to be all cities. If the left ventures into suburbs or rural, don’t fire until you see the white in their eyes.
    Of course, the left is drug addled, so don’t shoot until you see the bloodshot in their eyes.

    Tricky advice.

    Don’t shoot until you see the veins bulging from their necks? Foam spewing from their mouths?

    I don’t know.

  13. nco77,
    If the state will not provide a “room” (prison/jail cell), mayhaps the good citizens outside the city urban environment can make sure they’re provided with a……smaller…….room. One suitable for taking a horizontal dirt nap.

  14. Again I ask this question: Is there any question in anyone’s mind why in the weeks and months leading up to mostly peaceful riot season that The Oregonian Removed their reader comments feature from their online edition? This was followed by also disabling theirs and most of the rest of the regional media doing the same.

    It is just too convenient for me to accept coincidence or any of the lame excuses being offered up. When you couple this with every damn one of them using the phrase mostly peaceful protest to describe what is obviously a riot and all of the rest of their bullshit regarding what is going down… you do the math. They are not journalists by any stretch of the imagination, they are functionally the Ministry of Truth.

  15. I’m really surprised the dark net has no offers for ‘Guided Urban Safari Weekends’ yet. Prescreen clients for rifle proficiency at 500~800 meters, Air BNB apartments with overlook, screening security provided, and a rolling diversion team to deflect local LEO so the clients can egress after the brains splatter.

    Could be a summer sport for the well heeled. Would really spice up the anarchists little brawl and riot outings.

    The above is solely a musing. Would be all kinds of illegal and horrible if this were to be offered as a service.

  16. A friend probably deleted his fb.
    The airport claims he hasn’t worked there in years. I asked on their fb if they are foolish or not being truthful because he still has his security vest and hat.
    I think they’re liars.

  17. Lowell

    Well the method you describe is where this is eventually headed. I don’t see anything changing in Seattle, Portland, etc. They’re caught between the Government and the Anarchists and they have no sign of any balls. But sooner or later these bastards are moving out of their comfort zone. Well before November 3rd.
    Might I suggest a 6.5 PRC. Still supersonic at a mile. Very little recoil.

  18. Who the hell does this counterfeit piece of shit think he’s fooling?
    ‘Assaults will not be tolerated’: Multnomah County DA responds to video of man beaten in downtown Portland

    “ On Monday, police said they learned the man may have been trying to help a transgender woman who had things stolen from her in the area of Southwest Taylor Street and 4th Avenue, near where the attack occurred. Investigators have not yet identified or contacted the woman, but they want to speak with her.”

    Uh oh!! We have BLM beating a guy who was helping a transgender unconscious. So let the intersectionality derby begin.

  19. Everyone on this site knows and understands that there are niggers and there are blacks. Blacks don’t put their race first – race is all niggers see. The white equivalent to niggers are white trash. We at least keep our trash where it belongs.

    The niggers who attacked that man have no right to live free. All my life I NEVER used the the “N” word, but by God this race war that the niggers want to start is changing my mind. I hate it, but by God, I’ll give them what they want.

    That said, if cooler heads can prevail, well then I’m more than happy to stand down and extend the hand of friendship. But make no mistake about it, I didn’t cause your grievance and I’ll be damned if I’m going to grovel and apologize for your fake victim status

  20. Brad, I can enumerate a shitload of reasons we really don’t need to continue this conversation.

    But if you show up on the east coast, in need of the necessary, keep me in mind.

  21. Whew. I wouldn’t wanna be Keese Love right now. He has a number on his head I bet. He’s always going to have to watch over both shoulders. Millions of Americans despise and loathe that animal because of what he did. Nope, I wouldn’t wanna be Keese Love.

  22. SNS can maybe discus this:

    “Rioters can be seen standing over the victim’s unconscious body, pouring water on him as they claim the attack in the name of Black Lives Matter. Antifa street “medics” examine the victim, still non responsive.”

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but if they identify as medics for BLM/ANTIFA then they have forfeit “Good Samaritan“ protections afforded to your average citizen. Would they not? Perhaps BLM can have the living shit sued out of them if they are credentialing idiots who got their cents via LARP

  23. BadBrad said a coupla days ago that if 1% of Portland would follow these bastages home and take care of it, the riots would stop in days, not weeks. That would mean 5,000 people who care. There are not 5,000 patriots in Portland. I doubt if there are 500. Now, that said, if these guys try to bring their %&@# to rural Oregon, they will indeed be taken care of. Portland is an extremely small geographic part of the state. Go three miles in any direction from “Downtown” and it’s a whole different world. My neighbor has been sighting in pretty regularly on his “farm”!

  24. Well, update–maybe 5 miles from downtown. Just checked a map. Better to just stay out of Multnomah County. There is nothing downtown worth your life. Nothing.

  25. Lowell,
    Where do I sign up? I’ll bring my own “tools”.
    Reminds of when there were the “Somali cruises” being offered with a menu and cost of various armory.

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