Tough Break For Muslims – IOTW Report

Tough Break For Muslims


There is a shortage of available organs for all the patients waiting for organ transplants in the United States, but researchers at Harvard University say using organs from animal sources could help close that gap.

Researchers at Harvard University report in a new study that they have used the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique to enable pig-to-human organ transplantation without disease transfer, which could help lessen the number of patients who do not receive an organ transplant because of shortages.

 While there were 33,600 organ transplants in 2016, the 116,800 patients on organ transplant lists may not have to wait much longer.
The research, published today in Science, showed that some of the problems with xenotransplantation, the process of transplanting organs or tissue between different species, could be overcome with gene-editing techniques.

A main concern with pig-to-human organ transplantation is not only immunological compatibility, but also the risk of cross-species transmission of porcine endogenous retroviruses, or PERVs.

PERVs have been shown to infect human cells and previous research has shown the horizontal transfer of PERVs among human cells.

To overcome this, researchers used the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique to inactivate all the PERVs in a porcine primary cell line and generated PERV-inactivated pigs through somatic cell nuclear transfer.

Dr. David Klassen told The New York Times that if pig organs were safe and effective to transplant into humans “they could be a real game changer.”



16 Comments on Tough Break For Muslims

  1. There is no need for anything like transplants for followers of ALLAs between the clean pure life style and and the need to go collect the reward for dying. For the male members of the group anyway. Sorry fems.

  2. I have enough bacon and ham in me that I don’t need any transplant. besides- who’s to say if I / we get a pig heart or whatever, some strange change won’t start to overcome us-like i wake up with a pig nose or grow a curly tail. Nope not for me-but for the muzzies i don’t care.

  3. Add Seventh-day Adventists to the list as they don’t eat pork either. They had no problem transplanting an apes heart into an infant years ago. I bet if any of those sects were told “you’re going to die without a pigs kidney” I bet they’d change their tune.

  4. My guess is we’ll get the animal ones and they’ll get human ones because, you know, Islam. Of course, some of the donors will be Jewish. I wonder if we can get a ruling on that from from some poobah imam.

  5. I saw a Muzzie go ballistic in a Jimmy John’s because a sammich he ordered had some bacon on it. It was quite the scene, so unseemly, so un-American.
    Now, I’d like to se these same specimens of humanity when they find out a pig valve is keeping them alive, or have to choose a Pigplant over a gruesome death, hahahahahahaLOL.
    There will be a need in America for Mooslim Med Kits and they will offer all the tools needed to diagnose pig blood, tissue, and sutures as well as provide the instruments for removal.

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