Tough Guy Whines Comically After Being Shot – IOTW Report

Tough Guy Whines Comically After Being Shot

This week on the Active Self Protection Podcast we sit down with self-defender Benjamin Backus and talk about how a neighbor with a past whom he had befriended and tried to help devolved into a drug-addled, threatening stalker and the fateful morning when Benjamin was forced to use a firearm to protect himself and his son. 

Of course there are idiots on Twitter saying the guy who shot is wrong.

Here’s one iditoic Tweet-

-Too weak to fight, use a gun! American culture.

The shirtless shitstain had a restraining order against him and was carrying a knife when he said he wanted to fight with hands.

16 Comments on Tough Guy Whines Comically After Being Shot

  1. “The shirtless shitstain had a restraining order against him and was carrying a knife when he said he wanted to fight with hands. ”

    I carry an edged weapon along with a gun. Knives are much more deadly than a gun in that close. Unless of course the gun has already been presented.

    “Too weak to fight, use a gun! American culture”

    Fuck this asshole. Why should I even raise my pulse rate on a fucking loser. Stay in your lane and everyone lives.

  2. If he had double tapped him he would not have had to listen to him screaming like the punk he was. The policeman shot the hatchet idiot w/6 shots in less than 2.5 seconds, then told him not to move after he was moaning on the ground. If you watch the video, he sees the idiot reaching for the hatchet and coming out the door of the car with it, has he pistol drawn before he takes more than 1 step and starks retreating as he shoots him, has obviously been paying attention to training, unlike the pussies in Uvalde who sat on their asses outside the door to the classroom for 77 minutes while punk killed 19, and this was after they had just had “training session” on hostages in school.Duh……

  3. …setting aside absolutely everything else, its fully stupid to charge an armed man with your fists, because this will be the result.

    …if you chase the thread, they had a history, shooter had a restraining order against shootee, shootee came over to shooter’s house they were in front of it here, and shootee did die.

    Truly fucked around and found out.

    Not sure that would have flown in my state, in OH law says if you don’t shoot as soon as you draw than you’re not in fear of your life, certainly you would get in trouble for where he shifted target from face to gut, but this was AZ and no charges were filed.

  4. Loved the screaming. It was music to my ears. I hope every Democrat/leftist/groomer is screaming like this as the midterm election results come in. It will be a wonderful thing, indeed.


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