Toure: Black-on-Black Crime in Chicago Not a Prime Issue Black Americans Need Resolved – IOTW Report

Toure: Black-on-Black Crime in Chicago Not a Prime Issue Black Americans Need Resolved


During the Saturday “AM Joy” broadcast on MSNBC, MSNBC contributor Toure said black-on-black crime is not the biggest issue for black Americans at this time.

Instead, Toure suggested the war on drugs, wealth inequality, public schooling and police violence are bigger issues for the black community.

“This attack on black-on-black crime in Chicago — this is not the prime thing that black America needs dealt with” Toure told host Joy Reid. “We need the war on drugs dealt with, we need the wealth inequality dealt with, we need public schooling better, we need policing violence dealt with better.”

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29 Comments on Toure: Black-on-Black Crime in Chicago Not a Prime Issue Black Americans Need Resolved

  1. Touré Syndrome: When the brain and the digestive tract switch functions. e.g. sh*t comes out of the mouth and you start talking out your ass.

    Common affliction amongst liberals.

  2. Toure is just another in a long line of black men blaming all their problems on the whites. It’s easier to blame racism than to address the actual social problem within the black community that is slowly destroying the inner cities. I’d let them all rot except that there is a large portion of the community that are hard-working, kind and good people you’d be happy to have as neighbours or going to school with your kids that are trapped there and afraid of the gang-banging thugs. If I could figure out a way to get those people out and leave the rest to their own devices I would.

  3. “Reminds me of the guy on fire all high on crack and someone asked him if he’s ok as he walks away still in flames.”

    But he’s still going to step back in if Trump starts cracking down on dissent, right? He promised.

  4. He’s just spewing the plantation’s talking points. The best way to deal with the violence in Chicago is to declare the gangs to be terrorist organizations. Give them a 30 day grace period to disband and cease all activities after which time the government starts detaining the gang leaders and try them in federal court and lock them up for life.

  5. But Toure, its not just Black on Black crime in Chicago. Its also black on black crime in Atlanta, New York, New Orleans, Baltimore, Washington, Los Angeles, Detroit, Cleveland, Philadlelphia, Dallas, Indianapolis, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Houston, Milwaukee…etc etc etc.

    Or does that not matter to the decent blacks that live there in fear everyday while you sit your ivory tower. Speaking of income inequality Toure, you redistributing any of that coin your getting from MSLSD?

  6. We need the war on drugs dealt with,
    Say NO to drugs

    we need the wealth inequality dealt with,
    Get off your ass, get a job and get off welfare.

    we need public schooling better,
    Study hard, do your homework and watch your grammar.

    we need policing violence dealt with better.”
    Don’t do the crime. You can’t out shoot the police.

    The solutions are within each of you so it will never be solved. Blame whitey instead.

  7. No matter what DJT tries to do in Chicago and elsewhere to bring down the crime rate, the ACLU will sue, and an Obama-appointed judge will issue a cease and desist order to stop it.

  8. Black lives don’t matter to an elitist social engineering progressive like Toure. They’re just collateral damage in the war of ideologies.
    Now, if his leftist agenda talking points were in danger, then that would be a crisis, which they are because Trump is president. Toure is worried the left may lose focus, so he’s sounding the alarm.

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