Town Removes Signs At Intersection… Predictable Results Ensue – IOTW Report

Town Removes Signs At Intersection… Predictable Results Ensue

Romanian town decides to ‘calm traffic’ in an intersection by removing the signs. Mayor gets called out about it during town hall meeting and says it only has ‘slight problems’. Random guy sticks a camera on a nearby tree and lets it roll – this is the result.

12 Comments on Town Removes Signs At Intersection… Predictable Results Ensue

  1. Surely not all in one day? But the way these people drive causes me to suspect they weren’t that great before the signs were removed, either.

    I mean really, you don’t look to see if another car is coming? Is there no self preservation in Romanian DNA?

  2. Having worked in some Third World countries I can tell you that Stop signs and Red lights are purely optional. You have to drive both defensively and somewhat aggressively to survive the organized chaos. Taking down signs just removes the word “organized” and gives morons an excuse.

  3. I once got caught driving in a rush hour traffic jam in a Romanian city, an experience I’ll never forget. It was an organism that had a mind of its own and I just had to go with the flow. (Were it not for the traffic signals it would have been mass suicide.) On the whole Romanians are good drivers. The WORST are in Italy.

  4. Self-weeding morons. Both drivers in each accident approached the intersection at full speed without a care at all. Things will clear up as the graveyard fills up.

    I will sometimes check out new dash-cam videos from Russia. The most common problem I see is idiots driving way too fast for conditions. Whether it’s 50 in a tight city street with crosswalks or 80 in the rain and passing where no safe driver would pass.

    I also think there is a lot of drunk drivers in those videos. A lot.

  5. While visiting Tromso, Norway in 1996, I noted they had no stop signs and drove in accordance with the International Law of Tonnage – The bigger and heavier your vehicle, the more right of way you had.

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