Town replaces American flags with LGBT rainbow banners on 9/11 weekend – IOTW Report

Town replaces American flags with LGBT rainbow banners on 9/11 weekend

American Mirror-

Town leaders of Rochester, New Hampshire apparently sought to make a political statement by erecting at least 14 gay pride flags around their community.

They did so by swapping them out with the posted American flags — on the same weekend when most other communities commemorate the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

Resident Kathy Dunton took toFacebook to post several photos of the pride flags around town and get to the bottom of why the city chose the anniversary of 9/11 to do such a thing.


ht/ rob e.

14 Comments on Town replaces American flags with LGBT rainbow banners on 9/11 weekend

  1. They take down the confederate flag and put up the fag flag.
    In one case, it has to come down because it offends people. In the other case, if it offends you, then they say that’s just tough shit.

  2. Dear Greetingsfromyonkers, yes, gay people died on 9/11, too. And the only good thing to come out of 9/11 was to showcase how Americans can come together to help and support other Americans. Which is why, on the anniversary of 9/11, we shouldn’t be supporting tribalism with gay flags, Irish flags (Irish-Americans died too, right?), and every other flag. We should come together with American flags–even the Gadsden “Don’t tread on me” flag would be more appropriate.

  3. We teach our boys to suck dicks and they teach their boys to cut off the heads of their enemies.

    We parade perverts and glorify them on TV while they glorify those who kill perverts.

    “Prohibit them from possessing weapons of war; Order them to wear tunics and soft boots; Instruct them to play the Lyre and Harp; and Educate their sons to be shopkeepers … they will become women … and pose no danger of future rebellion.”
    (Croesus to Cyrus, after the revolt of Sardis)

    izlamo delenda est …

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