Toy Inside Chocolate Eggs Deemed Offensive – IOTW Report

Toy Inside Chocolate Eggs Deemed Offensive

NZ Herald-

Chocolate eaters have taken aim at Kinder Surprise after numerous parents found an “offensive toy” inside the popular egg.

A large number of people took to Facebook to post photos of the “nasty” plastic toy.

The plastic toy shows a white Kinder character holding three blue balloons with the letters KKK on them.

One disgruntled customer complained, writing: “Ku Klux Klan: Kinder Surprise edition”.

Another said: “Look what my niece (of mixed race) just found in her Kinder Surprise – KKK. what on earth Kinder?”

The Ku Klux Klan is a white supremacist American hate group which supports white nationalism and discriminates against immigrants and coloured people.

Despite the K on the balloons standing for Kinder, the company has apologised saying they didn’t intend to cause any offence.

“We sincerely apologise for any offence caused due to the inference of how the three Ks read together on this toy,” a spokeswoman told Yahoo News.

“To offer some explanation of how this toy came to be, initially it was designed with one balloon with a ‘K’ on it. However, two more were added to provide a more robust structure, as the safety and quality of our toys is of the utmost importance.


Remember this idiot?

22 Comments on Toy Inside Chocolate Eggs Deemed Offensive

  1. Stop looking for offence where none exists. Do these people realize because of the past Germans and German business have been forced to be politically and “morally” korrect since 1945. Its just not in them – look how they’ve f’ved up their countriy by accepting the muslim hordes that they’ve racially been afraid of since the Siege of Vienna.

  2. “The poor little things need a sterilized vanilla world….”
    -@gin blossom

    …but, isn’t vanilla…WHITE? And, didn’t Trump have TWO scoops of…VANILLA?!?


    (…riots to follow…)

    …so even THAT wouldn’t do it for someone looking for racism in EVERY KIDS TOY, even while totally IGNORING systemic, Government-sponsored racism aganst White people in EVERY business and college in the COUNTRY, on EVERY TV station, and in EVERY Government interaction…

  3. Lazlo the Elder gave me some advice when I, Lazlo the younger was coming into manhood.
    He told me: “Look for the good in the world. You may not find it often, but it’s there if you look. But if you look for trouble and offense, you will find it every time you turn your head.”

  4. I once had a piece of toast what had “KKK” burned into it!
    And I knew that it was a most obvious threat!
    I’m not a negro, or a illegal-alien, or “coloured,” but I am Roman Catholic, so I had to take the threat seriously.
    I thought about killing all the white, honky Protestants, but, as I was living in Mississippi at the time, this seemed impracticable.

    So I went out and found a towhead Baptist and broke his arm. He had no connection with the KKK, but who cares about details?

    I vindicated all Papist for all time! And THAT’s what’s important!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The real outrage is the these benighted people halfway around the world do not have a chapter about the KKK in their schoolbooks. I suppose they’ve never heard of Selma, either. What kind of monsters are they down there?

  6. A humorous tidbit.

    The KKK was sued and lost a 7 Million Dollar lawsuit
    just over 30 years. Not having the funds to pay the jury awarded lawsuit the KKK went bankrupt. However, Beulah Mae Donald a Black-American Woman and her Civil Right lawyers the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Al. assumed ownership of the KKK when the Klan defaulted. This included the name (KKK and United Klan’s of America), the KKK HQ building property, official paraphernalia (hoods, sheets flags and misc) and other KKK assets. The total seized assets did not come close to covering the $7 Million Dollar court award. So she, a Black Women, now her related family and a Civil Rights Law Center (Southern Poverty Law Center) are the not so proud owners of the KKK for the last 30 years.

    So Next time someone cites the KKK if you want to turn a head with facts cite the KKK is Black-American ownes. s
    Ref: May 20, 1987- New York Times

  7. If we had not been in the middle of a depression we would have been able to have a “short talk” with hitler, stopped him, saved a lotta peoples’ lives, and joined with him (yes) to defeat stalin who killed more people in the 30’s than hitler ever did…………..

  8. Rotty, Kinder eggs with the tiny toys inside weren’t legal to sell in this country until last year or so.

    Its a kid thing. My kids were clamoring for a kinder before you could even get them here. How they even knew they existed I have no idea.


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