Toyota exec arrested in Japan for violation of drug laws – IOTW Report

Toyota exec arrested in Japan for violation of drug laws

julie hamp

AutoBlog- Julie Hamp (pictured above), Toyota Motor Corporation’s recently promoted global chief communications officer and top female executive, has found herself behind bars after allegedly running afoul of Japan’s strict prescription drug laws. Tokyo police claim that Oxycodone was sent to her from the US and discovered by Japanese customs. Hamp was arrested at her hotel on June 18.While it might look bad at first blush, the case currently appears to center on Hamp’s misunderstanding of Japan’s rules. According to Japanese police, she didn’t think that there was anything wrong with importing the medication. NHK reported the package sent to her allegedly contained 57 pills, according to Automotive News.

Even with a prescription, it’s illegal to bring many drugs into Japan from the US. Some over-the-counter medications here, like allergy medications, are prohibited there, as well.


10 Comments on Toyota exec arrested in Japan for violation of drug laws

  1. For a senior executive in charge of communications she sure failed this test. As just about everybody knows Oxy is a highly addictive drug that has become a scourge in most countries that permit it’s sale. If she needs it she should have known what the local laws say about it’s import, possession and use. I hope it doesn’t affect her career but if I were Toyota I’d be wondering about her judgement.

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