TracFone Pays $13.4 Million Fine for “Obamaphones” – IOTW Report

TracFone Pays $13.4 Million Fine for “Obamaphones”

Washington Examiner

A company that the government paid to distribute “Obamaphones” — the nickname critics gave to government phones given to poor people — has agreed to pay $13.4 million to settle a case alleging that it doled out devices to tens of thousands of people who didn’t deserve them.

TracFone Wireless signed up more than 175,000 ineligible customers for the program between 2012 and 2015, according to the allegations the company paid to settle. more

11 Comments on TracFone Pays $13.4 Million Fine for “Obamaphones”

  1. ” to settle a case alleging that it doled out devices to tens of thousands of people who didn’t deserve them.” I got news for you, none of the people who got those phones deserved them.

  2. So they’re going to pay a 13.5 million ‘fine’ with our money back to “us” that we’ll never see. All this after making millions and millions more off a corrupt guv’mint program funded by…”us”…as usual.

  3. Keep in mind that obama-bin-lyin’ got those those bogus phones from uber-wealthy investor Carlos Slim. The mega-impostor obama used the phones to track, surveil, abuse, and data-gather users’ info and lives, all of which is recorded by his equally sinister federal agencies.

  4. Wonder if TracPhone is going to retrieve said phones and/or collect the back fees from those that they weren’t supposed to hand them out to.

  5. @John Smith April 6, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    > were accused of hating the poor and being racist


    > Nothing new here.


    (When those that, actively, seek to exterminate you, are punished with the withering throwing of wallets… along with thoughts and prayers… you will not be missed.)

  6. @fnuck, son of fnord April 6, 2022 at 7:32 pm

    What were you expecting?
    I was not looking for a pity party or sympathy.
    Reminding some of history, and you seem to be one of those who need to be reminded, given your weird response.

    I can handle accusations, attacks, all that they can throw at me. I survived several wars, don’t need any pity, sympathy or advice on that.
    I just call things as they are.

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