Train at home with your phone – IOTW Report

Train at home with your phone

iTarget shooting app

TheFirearmBlog: A computer developer has put together an app, combined with a round that contains a laser (actuated by the firing pin), and a target like contraption that you dry fire with. Once you have calibrated your phone in the cradle that comes with the contraption onto the target that the phone will be sitting in front of, you can dry fire at the target with the laser round in the chamber, and the phone will register the placement of hits on the actual target, from the laser. The dry firing of the firearm will actuate the laser in the dry fire round for a second, while the phone will capture the exact placement of the laser on the target and record it, both recording it once for the single shot, but also recording every other shot taken previously.

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7 Comments on Train at home with your phone

  1. Gosh, if someone could just come up with a few apps that very accurately replicate the effect of actual guns and bullets, why we could get rid all guns and bullets and make America safe again.
    Virtual weapons for virtually safe children.

  2. Nintendo did this long ago with ‘duck hunt’.
    There are lots of things one can do at home to improve their skills.
    Take your pistol, from ~20′ away, make the sight accurately trace around a door frame without stopping. That will help stability when dealing with a moving target.
    Look at an object, close your eyes, with eyes closed point the firearm at the object, open your eyes. Repeat until you can get a hit from most angles and directions. Sight acquisition speed will improve dramatically, as will point aiming in situations where you cannot sight aim.
    Loading drills, clearing drills.
    To name a few.

  3. “So every time I pull the trigger on my M&P it will eject when I re-cock the striker, no thanks.”

    The training device most likely has a rebated rim smaller then the extractor groove.

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