Tranny Potatoes? – IOTW Report

Tranny Potatoes?

Senators stand up for potatoes as a vegetable amid reports of USDA change.

16 Comments on Tranny Potatoes?

  1. It’s been obvious since the last Presidential election that our elected officials will do everything in their power to defend potatoes/vegetables. They’ll even put you in jail and deny you legal process if you disagree.

  2. Great, next thing you know we’ll have the attack of the killer trans spuds. Harry, one of my roommates years ago stuck a spud up the tailpipe of a very obnoxious neighbor who would early every morning run and gun his hotrod loudly and wake the whole neighborhood up. Well after that spud exploded and blew his muffler to hell that ended that. The neighbor never found who did it.

  3. My roommate also had his own hotrod, a 68 Pontiac GTO (Goat) with a four- speed tranny. It was a really cool car, and he wasn’t an asshole like our neighbor was. I rode in it with him many a time, the last time I talked to him he still wishes he would’ve kept that GTO.

  4. If the govt can argue that ketchup is a vegetable, then I can argue that a potato is a butt plug, and if they don’t believe me, I’ll invite them to self-demonstrate.

  5. we had the 4 food groups–easy
    but my kids got a complex “Food pyramid”
    that was 30 yrs. ago and it was ridiculous then!

    I try to buy organic but can’t always afford it!
    eg, regular pot roasts and steaks


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