Trans-Identified Male Found Guilty of Torturing Victim, Treated Corpse “Like Garbage” – IOTW Report

Trans-Identified Male Found Guilty of Torturing Victim, Treated Corpse “Like Garbage”

Reduxx: A trans-identified male was one of two men found guilty this week in a San Francisco court of the brutal torture and murder of a young man. David Anderson, 41, who identifies as transgender and uses the name “Angel,” hung 23-year old George Randall-Saldivar from the ceiling by a noose before raping him and injecting the victim with a lethal dose of fentanyl, the court heard. more

15 Comments on Trans-Identified Male Found Guilty of Torturing Victim, Treated Corpse “Like Garbage”

  1. MENTAL ILLNESS needs to be TREATED, not PANDERED TO. Time to STOP pretending that these folks are NOT mentally ill. They are disturbed beyond belief. They look at their own bodies and are SO TERRIFIED of a future in them that they are willing to mutilate their genitals and lie to themselves and everyone else 24/7, all to hide from the reality of their own existence. Hopefully the prison system will rid us of this freak…god knows the justice system nor the medical system is going to fix anything.

  2. “Anderson is currently imprisoned at County Jail #2, a mixed-sex facility that is the only San Francisco County Jail unit that houses women. According to the Jail’s description, it offers “gender-responsive rehabilitation programs.”


  3. George Randall-Saldivar, center, shown with his dads, Mark Randall, left, and Chris Saldivar in 2006, was killed last month in San Francisco. Police have arrested two people in the case. Photo: Rick Gerharter
    2 arrested in torture death of man

    2 arrested in torture death of man
    San Francisco police have arrested two people in connection with the torture death of George Randall-Saldivar, w…
    Search Bay Area Reporter

  4. So let me to figure this out. A boy was given to a homosexual couple, he turns out gay, ends up with two more freaks and is tortured and killed. The kid never had a chance! Maybe in a multiverse, he wasn’t experimented on, and was raised in a normal lifestyle.


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