Trans Inmate in NC Prison Sues for Right to Practice Witchcraft – IOTW Report

Trans Inmate in NC Prison Sues for Right to Practice Witchcraft

Breitbart: A transgender inmate in a North Carolina prison is suing the correctional facility over his right to practice witchcraft.

Jennifer Ann Jasmaine, 40, who was born as a biological male, filed a lawsuit against the all-male Lanesboro Correctional Institution, where he is serving his sentence for violating his constitutional rights by limiting where, when, and how he may practice the pagan religion, Wicca, the Charlotte Observer reports.

Jasmaine alleged the prison refused to provide Wiccan-friendly foods, while Christian inmates could worship six times a week, and Native Americans could conduct rituals three times a week.

Lanesboro is a maximum security facility located 45 miles from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Under North Carolina state policy, correctional facilities “shall provide access for approved religious services or practices and pastoral care.”

If inmates want to practice a religion not recognized by the prison system, they have to fill out a form requesting “religious assistance,” the policy states. more here

SNIP: Does he look like FOX News’ Shep Smith to anyone else?

25 Comments on Trans Inmate in NC Prison Sues for Right to Practice Witchcraft

  1. Hmmm. Lots of details – trans/nut – but why nothing about what its reason is for incarceration in a Maximum Security facility? How long is left on its sentence?

    Typical nut trying to make trouble.

  2. He sues to exercise his bizarre made-up religious beliefs while in prison (and probably win), and yet if you have a normal Christian advertisers on FB they are blocked.

  3. Something is really wrong with us … yes, us.
    He’s in prison.
    He has relinquished all rights (outside the fundamentals) and no longer has any choice in the matter of (free) food and (free) lodging.
    Wear what the prison assigns, eat what the prison provides, and sleep where the prison allocates the bunk.
    Other than that, it has the freedom to live (however vicariously) in any delusion it chooses.

    Some things aren’t negotiable; and prisoners suing and demanding are two of them.

    If it’s unhappy, it should have the option of euthanasia – no other.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The key word here is “approved”.
    You gave up your rights when you decided to commit a crime against the law, got caught, tried, and sentenced.
    No blood, no animals, live or dead, no fire, no sharp implements. You get to leave your cell and go outside at approved times, depending on (good) behavior. What’s left? A book. Maybe. Other than that, have at it. Get too noisy or obnoxious, the other inmates will correct you…….probably forcibly.

  5. @Deplorable B Woodman April 28, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    You gave up your rights when you decided to commit a crime against the law, got caught, tried, and sentenced.

    Hear hear! Uppity Yazidis.

  6. Anonymous,
    Judges don’t simply fall out of the sky onto the bench.

    We tolerate their antics.
    We pay their salaries.
    We bow and kow-tow to them.
    We call them “your honor” when we should be calling them “your grifter.”
    We provide them with black robes when they should be forced to wear harlequin hats.
    We display an irrational obsequiousness to them and their perversions of the “law.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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