Trans Kids Represent A New Revenue Stream For Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

Trans Kids Represent A New Revenue Stream For Planned Parenthood


This story was originally published in Abigail Shrier’s newsletter, The Truth Fairy

A month ago, I was sent a Tweetstorm written by a woman who had worked as a “reproductive health assistant” at Planned Parenthood for about 18 months prior to March 2020.  If you assumed that the employee had abortion on her mind, then your knowledge of Planned Parenthood is outdated. Planned Parenthood is now one of the largest providers in the United States of cross-sex hormones like testosterone to females seeking medical gender transition. More

13 Comments on Trans Kids Represent A New Revenue Stream For Planned Parenthood

  1. So if they can sell tampons to male-to-female trannies, can’t they get abortions when their female-to-male companions get them pregnant with their asshole babies?

  2. If a man can simply one day wake up and say ” I’m a woman” and we must accept it is fact can I as a born and raised American wake up and one day say “I’m a Cayman Islander” and it must be accepted? Then we should all do so and the government must accept it. First thing, as a Cayman Islander there are no income taxes so the U.S. government must accept it.

  3. I’m just curious and wish to take an informal survey.
    How many people do you personally know that have decided to gender jump?

    I don’t know of a single person.

    But media makes it sound as if it’s a decision like chocolate vs. vanilla at the ice cream shop.

  4. Evil never lets up. Planned Parenthood – Continuing Margaret Sanger’s heinouus master race mission of sterilizatiog and eliminating “undesirables”.
    Transgenders and all LGBT etc. are mentally and spiritually ill – targeted for the “cleansing”.

    Satan has no mercy and Planned Parenthood is his favorite organized death mill.
    God help those suffering the consequences of getting involved with such evil.

  5. I think a lot of the emotional/political push is profit-driven.

    Three of my church youth have come out. One is a major driver of the ‘queer’ lifestyle – she has done a lot of public things. When I saw her last, maybe 10 years ago and just before I became aware of her lifestyle change, she gave me a big hug. I would give her a big hug in a second if I see her again, I won’t condone her lifestyle but I love her just the same. Two came out as trans, I don’t want to give too much more detail. And one other from a place I worked.
    Of course I was on the Left Coast… either the water or the environment. I’d say the environment.

  6. Up here we had a Male who was Trans & thus Female.
    His wife was a female who was Trans & Thus a Male.
    The decided to have a baby.
    So the Natural Female (who was officially declared a male) gave birth and thus became & was interviewed for TV & Media as the first male to give birth. Except all that really happened was She stopped taking her Male Hormones and reverted bact to her natural gender.
    Ugliest fucking couple i ever saw.



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