Disgruntled Transgender Axe Attacker Splits an Innocent Man’s Face – IOTW Report

Disgruntled Transgender Axe Attacker Splits an Innocent Man’s Face

Daily Star (with video)

A TRANSGENDER axe attacker split a man’s face in half in a horrific rampage at a petrol station after a bad Tinder date.

CCTV reveals Evie Amati stormed the garage armed with a fire axe and took a swing at bystander Ben Rimmer.

She has been jailed for four-and-a-half years – with her lawyer blaming the sex change operation.

Her legal team claimed the operation had left her in immense pain and fuelled her desire to kill strangers.

Ben revealed his head was almost split in two by the blow which cleaved his face.

He is furious she could be out of prison in less than five years – and has urged for her sentence to be doubled.

Amati left Ben with his face held together by four titanium plates that he will have for the rest of his life.

She was fuelled by drugs as she took the 2kg axe to the 7-Eleven in Enmore, Australia.

One hour earlier, she had posted on social media: “One day I am going to kill a lot of people.”


ht/ fdr in hell

31 Comments on Disgruntled Transgender Axe Attacker Splits an Innocent Man’s Face

  1. Pretty dark. Many of us are in a dark place – but resorting to violence used to be considered clinically till it seemed to take over our politicians. God HELP the USA.

  2. Just based on suicide rates the AMA should issue warnings to the LGBTQRSXYZ community and take a role in correcting their desire to do weird sexual shit instead of questioning people about how many guns they have in their gun safes.

  3. Oh, but don’t you dare to insinuate that those freakazoids might be mentally ill when they have their junk lopped off or add junk where it shouldn’t be.

    That poor bastard was nearly killed by that mental case because he has been told again and again, I suppose, to treat these freaks as normal and let his guard down. Good Lord.

  4. Break it down now,
    Transgender, bad Tinder date, been jailed for four-and-a-half years – with her lawyer blaming the sex change operation, fueled “her” desire to kill strangers, had posted on social media: “One day I am going to kill a lot of people.”
    Next week on ‘I am Jazz’,,, no mental illness here

  5. 4 1/2 years of prison.
    the victim is disfigured for life, and their healing process will take longer than the mentally ill attacker’s sentence. They will never heal completely and will also suffer with discomfort and social stigma from appearance. That is not justice. This mutant should be confined to a mental institution for life. Hint-> they are a danger to society.
    Blame it on the aberrant sex surgery. That is like a drunk driver blaming a traffic death on booze.

  6. The Australian government disarmed it’s people otherwise this two legged nightmare might have been put down as he should be.
    We’re living in a freak show and it just seems to get worse and worse.

  7. Ummmmm…. How about, Mr. Evie felt that Mr. “Rimmer” was false advertizing and was then triggered into the axe attack when Mr. Rimmer cozyed up to Ms. Hacker? Fookin’ psycho!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. No such thing as a “transgender” – never was, never will be.

    So, if a guy thinks he’s a Unicorn, we should all just shrug our shoulders and say “yep! If you want to be a Unicorn, we can all accept that!” And then when he goes and sticks some sharpened object into an innocent bystander, we can mutter (as long as we’re not the one impaled) “yep! Stay outta the way of dem Unicorns!”

    I know this happened in Australia but is it really too far-fetched for California or New York?

    These people are sick and to ignore that sickness does not bode well for a civilized society – and does not promote a civil society.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. How much more evidence do we need that transgenders are mentally ill and can be very dangerous to society particularly since their illness demands others acknowledge, accept and participate in their fantasy. Or else watch the violence a ‘lady’ can suddenly inflict.

  10. They are demented perverts that are given license by the witless, while the rest of us deal with their chaos, and suffer by their actions.
    It needed Cowboy Justice, it needed to be strung up from the nearest light pole

  11. That’s why we say they have mental problems. The first clue is they don’t think they’re the sex they’re born as. That requires life long therapy. Not doing them any favors by pretending along with them. It’s cruel.

  12. Defense: “Her legal team claimed the operation had left her in immense pain and fuelled her desire to kill strangers.”

    yeah, lets load up our military with these freaks. Hell, put them on the sidewalks with the rest of us. What could possibly go wrong? Just watch your pronouns and everything should be just fine.
    The above quoted statement was acceptable in a court of law as an argument for innocence. An argument for acceptability of this heinous crime. Think about that for a second, and then please realize the depths to which our society and morality have sunk.

  13. Well. The mentally ill person is just that. Crazy.

    But, come on man. That freak comes up to you holding an axe and invading your personal space and you don’t prepare yourself for problems.

    Also, the victim kept referring to his attacker as “she”. Why? Clearly a dude dressed up as a girl… will he get in trouble in Australia if he calls him what he is?


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