Transgender ‘Woman’ Dylan Mulvaney Is Now the Face of Bud Light – IOTW Report

Transgender ‘Woman’ Dylan Mulvaney Is Now the Face of Bud Light

RedState: If major corporations hated your guts, what would they be doing differently? The answer is nothing, which leaves an astute observer to conclude that they do, in fact, hate your guts.

The latest example of that comes from Bud Light, which has decided to make a deranged, attention-seeking transgender woman the face of its brand. No, this was not an April Fools joke. It’s real, and Dylan Mulvaney is now a brand ambassador for the popular beer brand.

He released two videos on Saturday showing a commemorative can Bud Light produced to celebrate his “365th day of girlhood.” Mulvaney also plugged March Madness for the brand, no doubt part of his agreement to represent them.

For those who are new to this ridiculous situation, Mulvaney is a delusional gay man who decided to become a “girl” (not a woman) about a year prior to this writing. He has spent the time since promoting himself on social media while proclaiming himself to be a pre-teen girl. That delusion eventually led to lots of plastic surgery in order to give Mulvaney features that more resemble a woman. You can judge for yourself, but I’m of the mind that it was a pretty bad investment. more

46 Comments on Transgender ‘Woman’ Dylan Mulvaney Is Now the Face of Bud Light

  1. I thought when I quit drinking beer they would have to kill 3000 Clydesdales….NOW , look at THIS Clydesdale extermination plot…..

    I think beating up trans-faggots should be a bar sport….bigger then dwarf tossing…..Sponsered by Ima Lumberjack LLC…

  2. Who is going to buy beer with a queer/tranny spokes/it as their new and improved politically correct freak hawking Bud Light on TV and radio commercials. I don’t drink beer, so it won’t affect me, but this is one lousy lollapalooza of way to sell beer. Are they going to call their new beer Queer beer or tranny beer? And just when you thought that corporations couldn’t get any dumber than this.

  3. I don’t think it really even gender dysphoria. This is a low-self-esteem ordinary midwit who found the latest cause du jour and decided to exploit it. He wasn’t getting laid anyway, losing his dick was a small price to pay for notoriety. And it paid off big for him. He got a sit down with Mumbles Biden and now a beer endorsement.

    Not bad for a guy that was destined to flip burgers his entire life.

  4. Side note, “light” beers are called Lattes.
    Regular beers are called Heavies.

    Going to grab a latte with Bob, hon, I’ll BRB.
    That gets you an “okay!” from the wife instead of a, “day drinking again?”

  5. Too Fuckin Bad.

    I LOVED that poster of the 3 “BUD” Girls in the white swimsuits.
    It was so iconic that it was ALL over the world.

    Oh well, lucky its mountain bike season soon, and Back to Caledon Hills Brewing for a 100% German family craft beer with some of the NICEST people I know.

  6. This guy is mocking real women. He’s clownish, vulgar and plays the type of vapid, air head, dumb, pat you on top of the head type of woman the likes of Jimmy Kimmel liked on The Man Show. And like someone else here said it is the equivalent of blackface.

  7. Pudweiser

    john mccain ditched his disabled wife to marry an heiress whose family got their money from being distributors of pudewiser. Haven’t gone near the toilet water since then.
    Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout for me

  8. The implication is that if you drink Bud Lite either you’ll turn into a faggot or you already are a faggot.

    Good sales pitch.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I went up to this girl, she said, “Hi, my name is Sheena”
    I thought she’d be good to go with a little Funky Cold Medina
    She said, “I’d like a drink, ” I said, “Ehm, okay, I’ll go get it”
    Then a couple sips she cold licked her lips
    And I knew that she was with it

    So I took her to my crib, and everything went well as planned
    But when she got undressed, it was a big old mess, Sheena was a man
    So I threw him out, I don’t mess around with no Oscar Meyer wiener
    You must be sure that your girl is pure for the Funky Cold Medina
    You know what I’m saying, y’all? Ain’t no plans with a man

    Oh, yeah, Funky Cold Medina
    Oh, it’s too late, break it down

  10. I’m wondering about companies that commit unprovoked suicide like this. Do you suppose retiring management is looking at the future, a company ‘manned’ by losers with no brains, no work ethic, no common sense and they’re saying “WTF, this company is going down hard, so left me kick it over faster” ??

    Or, is this an angry exiting employee’s way of sticking it to the business?

    Either way, if AmBev okayed this, then I’ll crack open a real beer and have a good laugh as they sink.


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