Lynch, speaking at a dinner held by the Muslim Advocates, a national legal advocacy group, announced Thursday night the Justice Department will investigate the police department in Texas that arrested a 14-year-old Muslim boy who brought a device that looked like a bomb to school. Ahmed “Clock Boy” Mohamed was never charged, but several congressmen asked Lynch for the civil-rights investigation she promised Thursday.
Assuring the pro-Muslim group that “we stand with you,” Lynch said she would use her Justice Department to protect Muslims from “violence” and discrimination and vowed to prosecute anyone guilty of what she described as violence-inspiring speech.
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Hey dips!t, will this include violent rhetoric coming from the imams reading right out of the koran?
I didn’t think so.
ht/ tsunami
She took her orders from der fuehrer Obama like the good little muslim-loving, leftist Nazi she is.
Don’t let the First Amendment get in your way monkey girl.
Lol looks like Richard Pryor
So I guess sending a Muslim a Christmas card with a gift of “Nair” would be out of the question?
This fits in nicely with their attempts to destroy the 2nd and 4th Amendments, too.
I guess we can look forward to being forced to provide living quarters in our homes for Syrian and Mexican communist Obamacorps volunteers, next.
At least they are predictable and consistent in their treason.
“If you see something, blame it on whitey or shut up.”
Be careful. Some.guy named Nair probably wrote a bunch of the koran. You might get fatwad.
Sure she is not Robert Mugabe in drag? She is ugly and evil enough to be!
That’s it – – we’re officially under sharia law.
Fuck mohammad and the goat he rode in on.
What you mean “we”, brown man?
Thanks for clarifying that, Loretta. Not that it wasn’t obvious before, but you have removed any last remaining iota of doubt that you are an enemy.
I thought it was Marshawn Lynch
O’Bama loves fatwads
Bob the butcher’s tan is wearing off
fece’s be upon him
“We stand with you…” Where have we heard that before?
billyfuster for the win!
O’bamalamadingdong said right from the starting gate he stands with the Muzz.
How about a National Grease a Muslim day?
Grease as in lead, or as in lard? I’m thinking both.
When it comes to rhetoric, my Granny always said, “Actions speak louder than words.” 😉
And his ass is smaller.
“When we are ruled by fear, we are not making ourselves safe,” Lynch said.
Let me fix that for you, bitch: “When we are ruled by THE ANTI-AMERICAN 0BAMA ADMINISTRATION, we are not making ourselves safe.”
The fucking whore is “simply rushing to judgment” against all those who, unlike her and 0bama, actually love America.