Transgenders Being Discharged – IOTW Report

Transgenders Being Discharged

Red State

The Department of Defense has issued new guidance ordering the military services to begin the process of discharging transgender members of the Armed Forces in 30 days. The new policy recognizes only two sexes; it requires members of the Armed Forces to adhere to the physical fitness and grooming standards of their biological sex.

Any attempt at chemically or surgically changing sex makes the person unsuitable for military service. If a person had, at some point, been transgender they can be retained if they “demonstrate “36 consecutive months of stability” in their sex with no “clinically significant distress or impairment” if they can prove they have “never attempted to transition to any sex other than their sex” and if they are willing to adhere to “all applicable standards” relating to their sex.” More

10 Comments on Transgenders Being Discharged

  1. Whoever thought there were no consequences of one’s decisions?

    I hear the Ukraine Army are looking for front-line military personnel. Regardless an individual’s biological/or mental illness classification(s).
    If you have balls or not doesn’t disqualify your participation in the Ukraine bloodletting.
    Wanna serve? Here’s your chance, if not stop your whining and bitching.

  2. Well, things are certainly moving in the right direction. I hope the DOJ is ready to fight all the alphabet groups that will oppose this, and the Supremes (especially sell-outs Roberts and Coney-Barrett) are ready to stand up for what’s right. This is just the beginning of the fight.

  3. Well, allowing so-called “transgendered” into the military was always just a front — another avenue — for the gender dysphoric to get so-called “gender-affirming care” at the cost of the taxpayers.

    Glad to see the conditions of continued service, too. None of these people will be able to supply supporting evidence they are fit for service under the new regulations.


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