Transgenders Will Not Be Allowed To Serve In Military – IOTW Report

Transgenders Will Not Be Allowed To Serve In Military


President Donald Trump has made the executive decision to ban transgenders from serving in the military, reversing a major decision by the Obama administration.

In a tweet series posted Wednesday morning, Trump stated that after serious consultation with military experts, the U.S. cannot allow transgenders to serve in the armed forces because of medical costs and disruption posted by integrating these individuals.

[In Several Tweets]

“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allowTransgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you”


h/t Organgrinder

58 Comments on Transgenders Will Not Be Allowed To Serve In Military

  1. The military has always been the social experimentation playground of congress. They can impose (and have) things there and get a feel about how they would fly in society at large.

    This is gonna’ piss them off.

  2. And just let all the gas out of asshole congresses’ decision that WE should pay for the self-mutilation of gender-“confused” mental cases in teh military – Bravo, Mr. Trump!

  3. That is One Quick Way Of Ending the Endless Bull Shit !
    He Really Put the Republicans in Their Places, Luckily For Trump They Don’t know How to Come Together to Fight Him ! ( Too Many Individuals, Unlike Dem’s) !

  4. One step at a time our enemies are going to respect us. They laughed their asses off when the limp wristed Kenyan commie approved weirdos in the military. Ocommie himself was too much of a faggoty dweeb to go into the military.

  5. I have always believed that they ‘ALL” should be made to serve. They should then all be posted to the middle east as a permanent forward based force!

  6. Really a great decision by our amazing President! Letting the already-trans continue to serve? Book ’em out–slowly but surely–with honorable discharge and pensions intact. Most will choose early retirement anyway…and though I have no idea how many there are, they’ll soon become ‘friendless’ anyway cuz nobody likes f’ing freakazoids!!!

  7. To all treasonous, gay, whiney, limp wristed members of Congress who are upset about this decision. Trumps rolled back Ocommie’s decision to make our military stronger. If you’re upset about a hand full of weirdos losing their jobs, hire them yourselves.

  8. Good for him. Now be prepared for the LGBTQwhatever push back. What will be interesting is how the Dems in the Congress and Senate react. This is probably another political third rail with no Dem wanting to touch it but lottsa money and influence wielded by the gays at stake.

  9. Thank you Mr. President!
    This one Executive Order will help to restore sanity, cohesion and esprit de corps amongst the “tip of the spear”.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  10. Damn, and I just finished my mandatory 3 module ARNG Medical Policy, Guidance, & Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Military Service of Transgender Soldiers computer training for this crappola this past weekend. Where do I get those 2 hours of my life back???

  11. According to Rush, TGs make up 0.3 percent of the pop.
    “USA Today” worried about what will happen to the “6000” (?)
    TGs already in service. Expect more worriers on the nightly news from the people who detest the military.

  12. Happy days are here again. Hallelujah! Now men can be men and women can be women and never be confused again about their gender again. I wouldn’t want to have served next to a guy who think he’s a woman or vice versa. Go Trump, MAGA and thank you for doing the right thing.

  13. Great news! President Trump is a Godsend. Transgenders should have never been allowed to serve in the first place and the ones currently serving should be removed. This was all part of Barry’s plan to destroy the U.S. military. Thanks to President Trump, the former Fairy in Chief is foiled again.

  14. Aaaand… right on cue… Fuckhead John McCain slams Trump for reinstating the ban on transgenders in the military even though Trump’s justification for reinstating the ban was verbatim identical to McCain’s objections last Summer to Obama lifting the ban.

    Last Year:


    McCain isn’t a maverick. He isn’t a free thinker. He isn’t even a contrarian. He’s a saboteur, a fucking asshole who makes it his goal in life to make sure the US is ungovernable and undefended. I really think this fuck got turned in the Hanoi Hilton.

  15. There’s a place for everyone, but the military isn’t for everybody. Transgenders have too much work to do to take care of themselves 24 hours a day emotionally, physically, etc. The military is not the place for that.

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