“Transition To Greatness” – President Trump – IOTW Report

“Transition To Greatness” – President Trump

Good Interview with Trump

26 Comments on “Transition To Greatness” – President Trump

  1. I’m firmly on the Trump Train, but what is he thinking by having the military distribute the WuFlu vaccine, with a target by the end of the year? Is he thinking this will be a bill gates vaccine? Or maybe the ChiCom vaccine that Trudeau is bring into Canada?

  2. I’ve never had a shot since the booster on the upper arm in the 60s. I went back to college to play for the golf team in the early 2000s (long story), and the college said I needed to have a vaccination. Well, let’s just say the coach needed me more than the college needed my vaccination.

    I’m not getting the Chop Fluey vax.

  3. It won’t happen. He did this to tell you what the Libs and the fed scientists are thinking.
    We get pissed, then he says to them, “Well, I tried, they don’t want it”.
    He does this from time to time. Remember the gun control and the illegal alien stuff? Yeah, just like that.
    But we have to play along, too. Tell him, tell them, no way in hell this is happening.

    Now, I wish we could get him to tell Congresstards to knock off that spending.
    Trump is one guy, and he can only do so much.

  4. I almost resent the “Transitioning To Greatness” bull shit. So much has been made of China destroying our economy very little has been said about the Federal Government destroying our economy. Trump knows this, he got us where he had us by removing road blocks put in place by the Federal Government. China China China. Fuck that, there’s no better business people and entrepreneurs around than the American small business man. Remember the Reagan come back? Nothings changed. Give us a clear track a green flag and get the fuck out of our way. And nobody beats our manufacturers.

  5. what vaccine ?

    you cannot make a vaccine for a virus can you ?

    just what are they shooting you up with ?

    the yearly flu shot they give out isn’t a vaccine, is it ?

    where’s fraudci’s aids vaccine ?

  6. I got the flu shot once when I worked in a hospital setting out of concern for the patients. Hurt like hell! I felt crappy for like two days afterwards. I didn’t get the flu but I rarely get sick anyways so I doubt it blocked anything. Never again! And Bill Gates’s tranny-looking wife can kiss my no CCP virus vaccine ass!

  7. If a vaccine becomes available and if people wanted to get vaccinated, could blue state governors be trusted to make it accessible or would they try to keep residents living in fear?

    The military does logistics very well.

  8. Dr. “Benito” Fauci is the “Queen of Caution”…
    Does a Covid 19 death rate of 0.00025.
    Justify this shut down,
    I say HELL NO!!!!
    Fire the ignoramus.

  9. never let a crisis go to waste ..

    now is the perfect time to abolish the fed reserve, IRS, EPA, dept of energy, dept of edumacation, etc. etc. etc.

    and stop using taxpayer money for “foundations” and “grants”
    if what these entities are selling is good, they’ll have no problems getting private investors

    we dont have the money

  10. I am in no way anti-vaccine, I’m just anti-most vaccines these days. When my kids got their vaccinations, they fit on a small immunization card. Today all the vaccines wouldn’t fit on that card. It’s insane the number of vaccines they want them to take.
    If you look at CDC recommendations even for adults it’s insane.
    It also pisses me off that you can’t get just a straight tetanus anymore, how many damn times do they think a person needs to be vaccinated for whooping cough?

    Flu shots has been a big no for me always. For one they push them too hard for me to trust them and for another I’ve known two people in my lifetime who never got more than a cold and took a flu shot and were sick in bed for two weeks, one of them had to be put in the hospital. So I don’t care how many people tell me they get them every year with no problems, I’m not getting one.
    I sure as hell am not going to get some rushed Chinese bug vaccine. I say all of those bureaucrats and leaders get them on live tv and wait awhile before any other citizen gets one.

  11. I get a ‘flu vaccine once in a while if there is a particularly bad strain going around. I don’t know about a CV19 vaccine, though. Most vaccines aren’t 100% effective anyway. 60% is considered good. If the CV19 vaccine is too novel itself to have been tested (like the ingredients in a regular ‘flu shot), I think I’d be leery of it.

  12. If the CDC and NIH get up in arms about resistance to their vaccine ideas, they have no one to blame but themselves for that reaction. People aren’t not very trusting of those two orgs right now.

  13. I’ve been reading some articles and most of them (docs and virologists) think there’s not going to be a vaccine for this particular coronavirus. Not this year, not the next, maybe never. By Summer, we’ll be moving on to other bullshit. anyway. lol.

  14. India, with 4 times the population and its densely packed is kicking our ass in handling this Plandemic. They have provided HCQ as a prophylactic medication and then if someone shows symptoms they up the dosage. At some point zinc is prescribed as well. The deaths in the US per one million people is 200 times greater than India, and if I remember right India has less than 30,000 cases.

  15. I will under no circumstances get a flu or WuFlu inoculation. I pray my grandchildren won’t be coerced into them either. Bad enough family who are in healthcare are mandated to get them.

  16. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ May 14, 2020 at 8:55 pm

    Do you think the President knows this? How could he not?

    And if he does know it, doesn’t this change EVERYTHING?

  17. confession: have always gotten the annual flu shot … have never gotten the flu since (knock on wood)

    before that I got the flu every several years … nothing severe other than aches & chills for about 2-4 days (never had anything else; working for a Water/Wastewater company has it’s benefits)

    but … ain’t takin’ the WuHu Red Death vaccine

    it’s a very sad thing to no longer trust our government


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