Trash Piles Up In NYC As Sanitation Workers Protest Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

Trash Piles Up In NYC As Sanitation Workers Protest Vaccine Mandate

nbc news

Trash piled up in parts of New York City on Thursday as garbage collection slowed ahead of the deadline for city workers to get vaccinated.

Missed collections were reported in Staten Island and Brooklyn. And residents have taken to social media in outrage over the accumulating garbage and to raise concern that the slowdown is intentional in protest of the vaccine mandate. More

9 Comments on Trash Piles Up In NYC As Sanitation Workers Protest Vaccine Mandate

  1. Because it’s a filthy shithole with disease-ridden rats running all over the place!
    That’s how!
    This situation is only going to get worse as it remains unadressed just as in San Fransisco ,LA, Seattle Baltimore, Philly, etc. DemocRATs are Hell-bent on destroying our once prosperous, wealthy and healthy Nation!!

  2. Pushing and demanding everyone take the “jab” is “intentional” and might injure or kill people, yet we don’t here anything about that on MSM.

  3. Hey wait-a-hold-it Deplorable!
    Who’s pushing and demanding everyone take the “jab”?
    Illegal Aliens aren’t being pressured.
    The Homeless aren’t being pressured.
    BLM isn’t being pressured.
    It’s just the hard-working, law-abiding, Over-taxed paying, productive citizen who’s being pressured here!


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