Trash Talk Is for Losers – IOTW Report

Trash Talk Is for Losers

Herschel Walker in Washington Examiner

Democrats and their friends in the media are engaging in their own form of trash talk when it comes to the midterm elections. They wave around some meaningless poll or quote an “expert” who would have us believe that Republican Senate candidates are weak, President Joe Biden has had some great successes, the Democrats’ fundraising numbers give them a huge advantage, and Republicans can’t possibly win back the Senate.

None of this is true. It’s nothing more than an intimidation tactic designed to scare conservative donors away, suppress Republican enthusiasm, and discourage Republican candidates and voters. More

7 Comments on Trash Talk Is for Losers

  1. Trash talk is an art at gun matches. Most especially with your buddies you shoot with a lot. If you let it rattle you, you need to get your head in a better place.

  2. “Many of us are giving up comfortable lives because we want to give back to the country and communities that gave us so much. We don’t need or want power. The power belongs to the people, just like our Founding Fathers intended. It’s up to us to reclaim it for them.”
    Anyone who can honestly say this deserves our vote!


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