Trashion Show – IOTW Report

Trashion Show

Here, I ripped off  paid homage to some show that I never watched called, “Ugly Betty” on  channel… I don’t know.
Anyway, I present: UGLY SHELLY. The latest from my Trashion Show line.

29 Comments on Trashion Show

  1. The goodwill dropoff bin in DC hasn’t been without a certain regular visiter in 8 years. I hear Moose will be attending the Barnam and Bailey aucton soon, looking for more fashon goodies.

  2. 🎵Isn’t she lovely…*cough* *gag* Skip it. Only Stevie Wonder can get away with singing that song to Mooch aka Sassie – he can’t see her!
    You’re best Trashion Show so far, MJA.

  3. The dress print looks like pictures on a sewing pattern package. Think Mooch might have “built that herself”? Nah!
    And I wonder what’s in her purse.

    Barry and Mooch can’t leave my sight fast enough.

  4. Well done, MJA! You capture the look perfectly: a 53-yr-old hooker trying to look like an 18-yr-old hooker. Now we need pimp Barky grinning through a gold plate and cubic zirconia grille and wearing a purple ankle-length overcoat, spats, and a fuzzy fedora.

    Oh, yeah, I hope Big Maw chokes on her birthday fries today: she was born Jan. 17, 1964.

  5. MJA!
    Your the BEST, I am still laughing.I have to admit that I use to “catch” that show while flipping and just had to watch for the fashion.How but lets Speculate what she will be wearing for a damn Inoggaration?

    annie Go Trump

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