‘Travel agents of death’ – IOTW Report

‘Travel agents of death’

Italy is being swamped by African migrants sent on their way by criminal gangs

Mercatornet: Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano recently called attention to the effects resulting from the thousands of desperate migrants crossing the central Mediterranean in unseaworthy vessels from Libya and streaming into Italian ports.


These voyagers come mostly from some of the poorest and most corrupt countries of sub-Saharan Africa. They pay thousands of dollars to smugglers who have established a migratory route through several countries, complete with safe houses and collection points for payments migrants must make along their journey. Mr Alfano has labeled these illicit operators as “travel agents of death.”

Given the extremely poor conditions and overcrowding of some of the fishing boats and rubber dinghies crossing the Mediterranean, many people drown at sea and never make it to the new Promised Land. But most are rescued and brought safely to an Italian destination. In the first six months of 2017 over 85,000 arrived into southern Italian ports, an increase of 19 percent over a year ago. In 2016 alone Italy received an influx of 181,405. At the beginning of this year there were over 5 million foreign citizens residing in Italy.

A record number — 5,000 migrants — are believed to have perished during a Mediterranean journey in 2016. Italy also receives the cadavers recouped at sea and must try to identify and bury them. Over 2,000 dead bodies arrived in between January and June of this year.

A single day’s account illustrates the severity of the problem.  MORE

12 Comments on ‘Travel agents of death’


    Where do you suppose these poor migrants keep finding these 300 MAN PONTOON BOATS?

    These are ATTACK craft for beach landings. They aren’t just stringing together inner-tubes and garbage like the Cubans.

    Who would ever even have such a thing outside of the military?

  2. I’d say the Mediteranean Sea Sounds Ripe for a Shark Fishing Tournament !
    Free Chum , and a $500 dollar Pot Daily For the Shark with the Most Muslims Inside !!!

  3. Rats brought to Europe from the Far East trade routes caused the plague that killed a third of the people. Curious to see the butchers bill from this new flood of rodents.

  4. “… some of the poorest and most corrupt countries of sub-Saharan Africa. They pay thousands of dollars …”

    Do these two fragments seem somewhat disconnected? If they have “thousands of dollars” why don’t they just purchase airline tickets to Italy, and be done with it? Why would you pay “travel agents of death” when you could fly United (or Air Chad, or whatever)? Something doesn’t smell right.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. a group called Defend Europe is crowd-funding to raise funds to charter a ship and detain all these Filthy Mohammedan Savages. Of course, all the far-left pro-Mohammedan Savage NGO’s and a few Gummints are denouncing Defend Europe, throwing out the ol’ “Neo-Nazi” label and calling them racists.

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