Treasury Dept Asked To Investigate Reports That Russia Funneled Millions To US Environmental Groups – IOTW Report

Treasury Dept Asked To Investigate Reports That Russia Funneled Millions To US Environmental Groups

DC: House lawmakers have added another twist to the ongoing congressional Russia investigation by asking the Treasury Department to look into allegations Russia secretly funneled money to environmental groups opposed to oil and gas drilling.

Top Republicans want the Trump administration to investigate a Bermuda-based shell company that funneled money to a prominent environmental non-profit that’s given millions to anti-fracking activists. Media reports suggest the Bermuda shell company is tied to Russian oligarchs.

Republicans on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin asking him to investigate “what appears to be a concerted effort by foreign entities to funnel millions of dollars through various non-profit entities to influence the U.S. energy market.”   MORE

13 Comments on Treasury Dept Asked To Investigate Reports That Russia Funneled Millions To US Environmental Groups

  1. They all shout for investigation about trump but are too stupid to realize the Pandora’s box that will be opened

    If only the “right” had the balls to actually put on the big boy undies and fucking do something!!

  2. If there’s any doubt the enviro-nazi’s have gone rogue, look no further than the Sierra Club as an example.
    Big open borders proponents, LGBT/BLM supporters, pro Planned Parenthood. Nope, they’re not knee sock, pith helmet, binocular toting bird-watchers of the past.

  3. Better believe that the Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, Jihad-coddling, maladroit, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob, Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard and Insecure Kenyan Kremepuff wuz working overtime to enable this… and probably still is!

  4. They funneled money into them because their non-stop lawsuits and protests and brainwashing of the youthful and the stupid has done untold damage to US infrastructure for decades. Why don’t the have a good power grid? The “environmental movement”. Why has it taken so long to build up our pipeline infrastructure? The environmental movement.

  5. Dont forget that the Criminal scumbag Boinee Sanders has taken millions from fake environmental front groups in Vermont and Massholechussetts that are funded by the mexican drug cartels. All in exchange for Boinee turning a blind eye to the I-95 drug corridor/Canadian border network of drugs and illegal mutts.

    Boinee worked his end to keep the DEA and Vermont police off their backs in exchange for millions. They haven’t gotten filthy rich off just his wife stealing 10 million from the college, its much, much, more.

    Boinee is an evil devil. A vile, corrupt, saliva foam spitting, smelly, greedy, miserly, scumbag from Brooklyn. He is the reason so many Americans stereotype all Jews as being slimy grifters. He is the prototypical slimy Jew grifter right out of central casting. I hope he gets struck by lightning or run over by a train and has his innards dragged for a mile.

  6. I spot Russian collusion to influence policy decisions and legislation to diminish America’s energy independence and drive up American’s expense to import foreign energy sources. CNN/MSNBC/WAPO to begin reporting in 3,2,1…NOT.

  7. I wish our government (or journalists) here in Canada would investigate where millions of dollars came from to support all the protesting against two pipelines. The money came at least in part by Tom Steyer a big player in the green energy/government subsidy fund game who shamelessly interfered with our process in order to prop up his funds that live or die on government money but I’d like to know who else from outside the country airdropped in cash and to who and how much. Part of our shame was that at the time we had a Conservative government in place who did nothing to stop the flow of cash.

  8. You better believe that if Secy Mnunchin has been asked to investigate this, it’s as good as done, and will be thorough (with graphs, charts and diagrams). Can’t wait for the report before Congress and the President.

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