Trevor Loudon: New Zealand is Poised to Turn Communist Under PM’s Aims – IOTW Report

Trevor Loudon: New Zealand is Poised to Turn Communist Under PM’s Aims

This is not hyperbole based on lockdowns and Covid mandates. This is the goal of the PM based on her lifetime sympathies and beliefs.

New Zealand, also, is about to fall out of the Five Eyes.

This is very concerning –

ht/ harbi

10 Comments on Trevor Loudon: New Zealand is Poised to Turn Communist Under PM’s Aims

  1. New Zealand’s been soc**list since its beginning. And since communism is just a subset of soc**lism (along with nazi-ism, progressivism, fascism, leftism, liberalism, &C.) it isn’t too far a jump.

    The Kiwis voted for and embraced the maggots who will enslave them.

    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Frodo,
    Thx for linking that website. Very interesting. The only thing I’d be afraid of is the “Disneyfication” of the place. (shudder….)

  3. New Zealand always has fluttered near the French/Russian version of politics. No surprise.

    Very surprising though, with Australia’s USSR-like draconian measures, I’d be willing to bet that if something doesn’t drastically change in the very near term, they’re going the communist route in the next year or so.


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