Trevor Noah A Big Hit Among Chinese Communists – IOTW Report

Trevor Noah A Big Hit Among Chinese Communists

Washington Examiner

Chinese state media have been sharing anti-Trump clips from comedian Trevor Noah’s The Daily Show with audiences eager to slam the United States during the coronavirus pandemic.

The New York Times reported the Communist Party of China is trying to keep a positive image of its handling of the outbreak by describing scenes in Spain and Italy with words such as “purgatory” and “apocalypse.” Britain and the U.S. were painted as places where healthcare workers must use trash bags a personal protective gear while treating patients — despite similar scenes in China that were dismissed as “rumors.”

The New York Times described Noah as “loved” by Chinese viewers for his comments bashing the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic. One clip from The Daily Show, which Noah took over after comedian Jon Stewart left in 2015, was shared on the Chinese-owned tabloid Global Times and featured conservative pundits and President Trump downplaying the coronavirus at its onset. More

9 Comments on Trevor Noah A Big Hit Among Chinese Communists

  1. Unfunny commie fuck who left Britain to work in a country that pays him very well and taxes him much less than his home nation that he feels is superior to the USA!

    Who the fuck does he think he is, Jim Carey?

  2. Jon Stewart loved, loved, loved Baracky Osmidgen. For all the comedic fodder in that catastrophe, Stewart barely made an effort to satirize his hero. Same thing with Clinton. Trevor Noah is another liberal comedian turned political commentator. Millions of young people formed their political opinions about who to vote for watching these two Idiots. Now, hundreds of millions of Chinese are buying satire as political commentary. In China, Stewart and Noah would be thrown in re-education camps, here they get to make millions.

  3. Trevor (visiting Wuhan to file a story), to a squad of Chinese police as he’s trying to order a hamburger at McD: I say, chaps, why are you tying my hands?

    Foo (Chinese policeman): We don’t want you to fall out of the van.

    Trevor: Why, I don’t think that’s even remotely possible!

    Foo: It is here in Wuhan. Sometimes, they are pushed out.

    Trevor: Where in heaven’s name are you taking me?

    Foo: You said you wanted to see a wet market.

    Trevor: Yes, of course I wish to see a wet market, but I do not think I need an escort.

    Foo: You need bodyguards, and that’s what we do. We will protect your body until you get to the hamburger meat stall at the wet market. Then, the hamburger meat manager is in charge of you.

    Trevor: Look, my good fellows, I don’t know about this.

    Foo: Shut up and get in the van or we’ll make mincemeat out of you.

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