Former South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy suggested that the FBI gave preferential treatment to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016 when advising the presidential candidates on how to deal with the threat posed by foreign actors.
During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Gowdy referenced how the campaigns of both Clinton and then-candidate Donald Trump received counterintelligence “defensive” briefings, but claimed they were not the same. Gowdy said the FBI provided “two different kinds of defensive briefings to candidates depending on who you like and who you don’t,” and coupled with how the FBI withheld transcript material from the FISA court, “then your bias begins to impact the investigation.”
Prior to Gowdy’s assertion on this week’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” there had not been any indication that Trump’s briefing was different than Clinton’s.
Gregory Brower, assistant director of the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs, wrote Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in October 2017 to confirm “an experienced FBI counterintelligence agent” provided a defensive briefing to Trump in August 2016 “focused on the broad range of threats posed by foreign intelligence entities.” The letter said “[s]imilar briefings” were also provided to Clinton and the two vice presidential candidates prior to the November election, and that campaign staff additionally were briefed.
Republicans, including Gowdy, have long expressed concern about the possibility of politically motivated federal officials working to undermine Trump’s campaign, which was under investigation by the FBI as early as the summer of 2016 for suspected coordination with the Russian government. Giving rise to those fears, for instance, was the revelation that former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchanged text messages that harbored a starkly negative opinion of Trump. read more
One them smells like Crowdstrike…
So what’s going to come of it?
Why is Wray still at the helm and being allowed to throw up roadblocks at every turn?
Time is marching on and there’s much to do in a few short years. Send this asshole to the breadlines. People are getting sick of the sight of him.
From an email I rec’d on this topic
“Gowdy was one of the folks assigned to make it look like someone was holding the other side to account without actually causing any real harm to the other side. He did it well. he will be well rewarded I’m sure.”
My inclination is this is spot on
“Former South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy suggested that the FBI gave preferential treatment to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016”
Thank you Captain Obvious, thank you.
It’s patently obvious they reeeeeealy wanted, and expected Hillary to be President.
Gowdy’s motives as displyed by his actions seem cloudy to me. He was great in grilling witnesses and describing what was happening but did little else. For awhile he was the conservatives Great White Hope (no racism there, just a saying) and we were let down again.
My question is doesn’t the FBI have a department of Professional Standards (the headhunters)and have they been released to chase down rumors like this and the myriad of other ones. How the hell is Trump going to find people he can trust to merely enforce current law much less defend him from personal/political untrue attacks until the Headhunters get to work. If they find the smallest of evidence that back up a charge suspend suspects with pay until a deeper investigation can be done. They may not be guilty but the President can’t afford to keep them in their positions until the full truth comes out.