Trey Gowdy Questions Law Professor on Need for Special Counsel in IRS Investigation – IOTW Report

Trey Gowdy Questions Law Professor on Need for Special Counsel in IRS Investigation

Chickens Have Come Home to Roost 

h/t  C Steven Tucker

21 Comments on Trey Gowdy Questions Law Professor on Need for Special Counsel in IRS Investigation

  1. “YOU ARE NOT RECOGNIZED! The gentleman from Georgia is not recognized.”

    “Well, would the gentleman yield?”

    “No, Sir, I would not.”


  2. Moe Tom . Exact fuckiny . If you asked Troy how far he advanced the ball today I think he’d say Nada., give me a serious opponent that will advance our cause. These are all good sound bites for cheer leaders, don’t mean anything

  3. The funniest part of the hearing yesterday was when Jay Sekulow brought up the most recent lerner email, “..likened us to terrorists…”. Off camera you could hear Bachus ask in his best hillbilly drawl, “Was that the one where she called conservatives assholes? They’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel.” But that wasn’t the end of it. A few minutes later Bachus got the same line in.

    This Tiefer guy was a complete ass and the ‘rats made utter fools of themselves. Puerto-Rico-is-goiug-to-tip-over-Johnson was a highlight of the proceedings as was Jeffries. We laughed so hard we thought we’d die.

    And in yesterday’s House Oversight hearings a female ‘rat insisted on quizzing Sherk (I think that was his name) who was just there as an expert in federal employment/employee termination issues/codes, on specifics she knew he wouldn’t be able to respond to. It was deplorable. She only wanted to have him go on record as answering “no” to everything she asked so that she and the other ‘rats could refer back to his testimony to substantiate their claim that there was no wrongdoing on lerner’s or the IRS’s part. And each time Sherk tried to explain that he wasn’t the witness to ask those kinds of questions of she interrupted him, saying, “Please just respond yes or no.” It was so obvious what she was doing. Despicable.

  4. Trey Gowdy is brilliant at coming to a situation with new eyes and a curve ball approach that his opponents cannot see coming.

    He is taking on the core standards and beliefs without getting too wrapped up in specific details that can be disputed or twisted.

  5. No Brad, this was really perfect. You had to see the entire hearing in order to appreciate the full effect of just how desperate the ‘rats are. There was not one, single ‘rat questioner who didn’t make a complete and utter horses ass of themself. Not one. They have been driven to some sort of other-worldly insanity. So much so that one of them spent their entire five minutes just trying to smear ACLJ over unrelated issues and the rest of them simply whined about “the cost to American taxpayers” in between trying to look clever by playing 12-level chess word parsing.

  6. Abigail, I watched it, here’s the danger that I see, he’s becoming a circus side show , a novelty, I’m watching it on FOX right now and they are describing it as entertaining. I guess that’s my point. I think he should be used as the secret weapon when we get there He’s overexposed Just my opinion .

  7. LOL! Gowdy for the win – ever time!
    Had to attend classes taught by these nutty professor types in college. They think, look and sound alike. I could barely keep my eyes open during their lectures.
    Loved the Gowdy smackdown of DemoRat from Georgia.

  8. Brad did you watch all 3 hours of the hearing or just the tee vee high lights? AA and I watched both hearings, over 5 hours. None of this is for show they are laying the ground work to nail these guys. AA has put both hearings up in the bullpen they are well worth the time.

  9. Professor Tiefer of Baltimore law school is a slam dunk double for that swingline stapler employee in office space.

    A pasty face mumbler trying to hide his hair loss with lord fontleroy curls.

  10. The devil is in the details and Gowdy is a master of the
    details. These liars aren’t smart enough to follow all the threads Gowdy is weaving. When it all comes together it will be a avalanche of evidence.

  11. I am so in love, politically speaking. It’s damn near orgasmic to watch or listen to a methodical ass-whupping served by a Republican. Gowdy isn’t letting this weasel squirm an inch. He’s nailing the guy down with tacks.

    I need to find time to watch entire sessions. Will put a year or two back on my lifespan.

    We’ve got to get the old guard the hell out of the party. Can’t we convince them to retire to ice floes somewhere for the good of the country?

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