Trey Gowdy Stops Short of Saying What is Actually Going on With the FBI Granting Immunity to the Email Deleter – IOTW Report

Trey Gowdy Stops Short of Saying What is Actually Going on With the FBI Granting Immunity to the Email Deleter

I guess Gowdy is afraid of retribution for telling what we all know to be the truth. Somebody has to say it for him.

On Fox Gowdy was frustrated that the FBI gave immunity to the most indictable person in the Clinton email deletion scandal – the guy who deleted the emails at Platte River Networks.

The timeline goes like this:

Hillary’s private server is discovered by the media.

Congress inquires and issues a preservation order, demanding that the server be locked down as evidence.

The Platte River guy testifies that he never deleted anything.

After a second inquest he revises his testimony to “oh, yeah, I deleted some stuff.”

He said he was told to delete emails in 2014 but forgot to. Later he decided to fulfill the deletion request AFTER he was subpoenaed.

This deletion happened after a conference call with Hillary’s lawyers and advisers.

The FBI and the DOJ gives immunity to this person.

Martha McCallum, the Fox anchor says, usually you would give immunity to someone who could help you information to allow you to prosecute someone else, right?


Trey Gowdy gets it wrong (intentionally, for fear of saying something that can get him a libel charge?) He’s upset that the DOJ is letting the “trigger man” off the hook, as if he is the big cheese we are after.

No, the FBI and DOJ removed their own bargaining chip, the one person they could lean on and that would tell them the name of the person who ordered the deletion – HILLARY F***ING RODHAM CLINTON.

The immunity was given to protect Hillary, not the actual email deleter.

My blood boils because there are still idiots out there that refuse to vote for Trump because “he’s just as bad as Hillary!!!!!!!!!”

I loathe Hillary. But I loathe these idiots that do not have the fire in their belly about getting Hillary, as much as they do Trump, much, much more.

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21 Comments on Trey Gowdy Stops Short of Saying What is Actually Going on With the FBI Granting Immunity to the Email Deleter

  1. I’m so frigging sick and tired of listening to this constant blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And our elected majority can’t, for the life of them, figure out why Trump is making mincemeat out of them.

  2. The Obama/Hillary Administration
    has entered the

    I say this NOT as hyperbole,
    but as one with experience,
    direct sources and sources of
    immediate historical research.

    forewarned is forearmed.
    Time to foreARM.

  3. The parallel between the Secret Service around Hussein, Hitlary, and the Nazi’s SS around Hitler, Himmler is now the same dirty line. The secret service won’t arrest this Hussein traitor or Cankles who thinks she is above the Law of the Land, hence a czar, because they swore to protect the two bit whores. “I was only following orders” sound familiar? Recall the Nuremburg Trials. That defense was rendered worthless. Our beloved America….shredded by these two chancres. Recall what happened in Russia in 1917. It is worth remembering.

  4. I had high hopes for Issa. He was a f*cking pansy

    I had high hopes for Gowdy. He’s a f*cking pansy, too.

    IT’S A LEGISLATIVE BODY, people, Let’s get to enforcing some legislation against these leftist PUKES.

  5. But, but, the DOJ and FBI are professional, non-partisan and preserve equal justice under the law for all.

    The DOJ, FBI, the President and his handlers are every bit as guilty of obstruction of justice as Hillary.

    Traitors to the Nation, Constitution, Law and our Citizens.
    A legacy of lawlessness.

  6. What can one expect from a little d*ck muthafucka? His shortcomings are legendary now. He is shivering in his high heels that Cankles will put the death squad on him. That sword cuts both ways, people.

  7. I liked Issa when he first came on the DC scene. But after a while he showed everyone that he was a squish.
    I liked Gowdy when he came on the scene, but youtube vids not withstanding, after all the blazy blazy blazy, he also is turning into a inconsequential squish.
    BALLS people. Why cannot the right find someone with BALLS?

  8. Well Trey, when you beat yer chest and yell “look at me”, “look at me”, “look at me”, “look at me”,
    people start looking at you, and when you don’t do anything they start seeing a lot of nuthin!
    You are the very definition of Verbal Masturbation.
    Sounds good, but it never gets ya anywhere.
    Yer a Zero, not a hero.
    Go jack yer jaw somewhere else. We’re tired of it!

  9. Gowdy’s biggest problem (IMHO) is that he seems to get as much satisfaction out of demonstrating (through interrogation) that someone is a lying criminal as he would out of actually trying and convicting them. So once he’s made his point, he’s done and moves on, doubtless expecting someone else to pick up the prosecution where he has stopped. Except they don’t.

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